> First fight for a girl?

First fight for a girl?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Dude, don't bother with it. It's better to be seen as a wimp or a snitch now than having assault on your record. If you take the fight and get beaten then you will be seen as a fool and if you take the fight and beat her then you will most likely have misdemeanor charges on your permanent record. Better to let her be the fool and skip the fight all-together. A real martial artist will ignore the petty idiots and fight only to protect people. The girl obviously needs help so you can be the one to report her behavior so she hopefully can get help.

Basically fighting in situations like this is only for fools. If you don't want to be a fool, avoid the fight.

Just bail, you maybe called names but teenagers are idiots. Go with Keyboards answer. There's no need to fight, it won't prove anything.

I will give you few tips to keep you safe after alerting the authorities. I'm telling you to alert the authorities to first get authorities to break it up if they can. But more importantly so that the authorities are already aware of the situation if something does go down. Without alerting the authorities will just see two girls having an argument and fought it out. You'll both get in trouble. Alert the authorities first and they know that they other girl is seeking trouble and you did what you could to stop it, and it's more likely that she'll be the one in trouble and not you. So yeah, protect yourself from the authorities first.

Secondly always choose to run. The fact is that you don't have the experience and by logic this is not a fight you should win. So run before fight begins, and if fight began then only fight to protect yourself and you have created a distance to run away.

There isn't a special knowledge that you can apply that will automatically and magically win the fight for you. Also winning will get you nothing and in order to win you'll have to engage your opponent for a longer period of time, which means you'll end up with more bruises and scratches. Oh right if you end up fighting expect to have bruises, scratches, twisted joints, and broken bones. You probably won't get all of them, but you will get at least half of that list.

So with all that said I still think you should have something to protect you if authorities fail(they often do) and you get ambushed. So here's a list of things that could improve your chances.

one-two: It's a jab and cross combination from boxing, but throw these with hands open and landing the strikes with the bottom half of your palm. I say palm because fists can break easily. Youtube a proper way to throw this, there are plenty instructions out there. A key point I think beginner could benefit from is to keep your focus on the shoulders and make sure your shoulders turn as you punch. When the opponent get into distance keep throwing one-two in a steady tempo like jogging tempo not sprinting tempo. You don't want to burn your arms and stamina out in 10 seconds. Aim the bottom palm to the chin and your fingers will naturally land near the eyes making them close their eyes. Move while doing this and start running away when you can. This is rather simple technique and martial arts should be able to deal with it, but for a girl with few fight experience this should work on them.

knee from clinch: once again youtube muay thai knee from clinch. The girl's probably going to try to hold you down when you do the one-two, that's when you apply this technique. look for the one that aims for the body and legs, because the one to the head is going to require quite a bit of training to pull off.

Sprawl: youtube. It's a wrestling move to stop people from tripping and throwing you to the ground. You probably won't need it, but you never know.

Shrimp: It's a judo technique, and youtube this too. If you end up fall to the ground try to stand back up any way you can. If you get stuck below her and she's holding you down then use the shrimping movement to get your hips as far away from her hips as you can. This should let you start squirming back to standing. It wouldn't work this easily against someone trained in ground fighting, but once again we are supposing she's barely experienced.

Once again avoid fighting, because there's only painful injuries to be won. Only engage long enough to start running away. If you do end up fighting then make sure you say stuff like 'stop' or 'leave me alone' so that people around you can clearly see that you are the victim(this will also help with the authorities later when other people let them know you were clearly the victim).

Keyboard Warrior is correct!

You insult any respectable martial artist by coming here to ask us how to fight someone. You should know that any respectable martial artist is taught that they should do everything they can to avoid having to fight. Then fight only in self-defense. And know that skill in fighting is not something that you ask about and then can do. It takes years of training. Grow up, get over this petty situation, and go do something constructive.


Back out. chose keyboard warrior's answer as best.

You are really at a disadvantage here and you will most likely lose if you have to one on one her. best advice i could give is to surround yourself with friends the last day of school that could back you up and tell her to take a hike. If she is very heated/aggressive your friends should shove her away if she tries to attack ya. You can't just get years of fighting experience in such a short time ) :

Ok so there's this girl and she like hates me for no reason and she just wants to fight me and I tried talking things out and she said the last day she's gonna fight me so I'm not gonna be a snitch on her so she can hurt me worse so anyways were both 15 I'm like 20 lbs lighter than her and I'm afraid she is gonna really hurt me if she does try to fight me so please does anyone have any tips for fighting that will assure me that I will win? Ps it's my first fight and she has had plenty!