> First day of taekwondo what should i expect?

First day of taekwondo what should i expect?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
When you first get there say "Hi" to the senior grades (blue, red and black).

Seniors line up at the front of class and juniors at the back, if you glance diagonally you will be able to see a senior who you can follow.

In any good school the seniors will help train the juniors as much as the instructor does.

Don't be scared; even the instructor started as a white belt.

A good instructor will also still be attending his own classes with his master, at those classes they are the junior!

Good luck and enjoy.

Everyone starts the same, with a white belt and not knowing what to do. Show up, follow along the best you can, and do what you're told. Then, keep showing up, following along, and doing what you're told. Eventually you'll get it all figured out and before you know it you'll be helping out the next new white belt who joins class.

Probably you bow to the the instructor at the beginning of class and bow to the instructor at the end to the class to show respect. In between you do some warm up to warm up the muscle to prepare for the techiques you will practice. Running around the class room, sit ups, push ups. etc before you do drills practicing techniques or sparring or forms.

It is likely the instructor would want you to know the names of the forms in the language that the founders of the martial arts originated from so it could Chinese, Japanese, and in the case of Tae Kwon Do, it would be Korean cause that is considered respectful to the founders of the particular martial arts.

everyones scared their first time its great though. First youll warm up together prob jumping jacks squats pushups sit ups maybe run each school is different. After warmups youll stretch together led by an instructor then youll do some basics. Since its your first day theyll show you the basic techniques kneeing up kicks front kick round and basic punches Have fun

expect them to answer all these questions while kicking your ***.

Ok so I'm staring taekwondo lessons and I'm really scared bc i don't know what to do! Im going to be in an adult class that is full of people with different types of belts, and I'm a white belt! I don't know the procedure of the class and what i need to do or anything really. The school gave me a booklet that teaches me all the things i need to know mostly Korean language but nothing about class procedures. What does bowing to the flags mean? Please help i don't want to make a fool of my self.