> Figuring out which dojo would be best?

Figuring out which dojo would be best?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Another thing is that dojo 1 focuses more on competitions and realistic street fighting ( because of the sensei's experience )

I still have no idea if competing would be my thing or not.

Dojo 2 is more traditional styled. Technical and with their own ranking system ( a self made book for the students where they can see the exam requirements for belts grading ) they don't take part in competitions but more in local training camps with other practitioners and very high graded teachers.( Dojo 2 does that also with international training camps )

I just want to get some different opinions from you guys before i make a decision. I still got some free training days left so i will keep you posted.

Oh yeah , i also practice shotokan karate for about a year now too. That school is the best i could ever wish for and surely is one for life.

I think that you have not given them much of a chance yet. Unless you want to make a mistake and join the wrong class, you should take more time looking the two schools over. Both seem to have good points. If the instructor at the second dojo is a police instructor then that says something. Police are not fools and they would not bother learning from people that don't know what they are doing. Besides, as you said yourself the Sensei was not there when you visited. Give them a fair chance. Otherwise you will always wonder if you should have gone back when the Sensei is there.


Definitely avoid the second.

So today i went to the second jiu-jutsu dojo in my neighbourhood.

In each dojo ( i'm trying a total of 2 ) we can try out a few lessons for free so i did.

Now what i immediately noticed is a big difference in the 2 dojo's whether it is for teaching as in attitude towards students.

Dojo 1 is centered inside a big sport center and the club itself hasn't been around for that long ( only 2 years ) and has around 10 members i think ( max )

With only 1 sensei and no senpais or other black belts. The training itself was pretty nice and the people too . First the sensei explained my the basic warm up moves and after he assigned one of his students to learn me some of the beginner moves under his supervision.

The sensei himself is a second dan , national ''fighting'' jiu jutsu champion , European bjj novice class champion in 2010 and multiple medal winner national and international in different jj disciplines so you can say he's pretty experienced and i'm not dealing with a ''mcDojo''.

In Dojo 2 The sensei wasn't there so one of the senpai's gave training that day. The attitude of the senpai and some students were sometimes kind of careless towards me. No explanations of the warming up exercises , when doing exercises with a partner or even when sparring ( took a good kick in the sack that left me out for 15min assuming that they thought i was wearing a protector )

But the lessons itself was pretty technical ( senpai is a self defence police instructor )