> Fighting someone????

Fighting someone????

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Only fight back if he hits you first. But when he does hit you.... make sure to kick his ***.

If you have contact with him again and he starts a confrontation you should reserve your actions to those necessary to defend yourself from physical harm. If he is conveying the intent to do you bodily harm and you believe he is going to do it, any physical action he takes that can be construed as an act of aggression, (ie; reaching for you, pushing you, grabbing at you, even just raising his hand towards you), can be deemed justification for a defensive physical response sufficient to overcome the believed threat. Note the word BELIEVED, you can not 'think' he might hurt you, you have to believe he is going to and you have no choice but to defend yourself. What it takes to create that level of belief is based on your perception of his intent. If you believe his intent is to actually harm you, you have the right to defend yourself.

All it will take is one solid demonstration of your ability to do so and he will probably shy away from confronting you in the future.

Unless he physically attacks you first, you have absolutely no right to strike at him. If all he does is talk

s***, let it slide. Be the bigger man in more than just the physical sense.

You can not attack him for what he has done in the past, that's not self-defense.

in war you completly destroy your enemies totally and remove his will to fight. you did not do that last time you fought so he still causes problems. if you catch him off guard and beat him up like you should have done the first time he wouldnt be saying anything to you at this point

Just drop one straight on his chin when he backs u up. Don't give him time to drop the hammer first. When he starts yapping just drop one straight on the chin , think and aim before you do don't waste it. And follow up on the punch. Don't hit him from behind that's weak. Just try that or head butt the little stand over.

Fighting is not good the mind set should be to defend yourself.

I am currently 14 years old right now. And every since I was 12 this kid younger but bigger than me would pick on me every single day he could. He would spread rumors about me and make my life hell.

He would get off the bus and hit me and punch me and ****. And I am not one to fight back because when I do I always get in trouble. He humiliated me so many times I can't count. One night he through my bike into a pond and I went up and hit him but it wasn't hard enough and we tumbled around for a while and then he walked home. The next day he told everyone he beat me up. When no one really one we just jabbed at each other. Anyway I moved away from him to a different neighborhood and I seen him the other day in walmart and he said something to me. And I just brushed it off. I dont see him much anymore but when I do he still talks **** to me. I told myself the next time when he is not exspecting I will just hit him right in the nose and knock him out. Should I do that? He has caused me so many problems in school and stuff I think he deserves it. Just please tell me if I should. Oh and I am now bigger than him