> Fighting multiple people?

Fighting multiple people?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You don't so much "fight" multiple people as "survive" them. Unlike the movies, real attackers don't come at you one at a time and wait until you're done with one of them before moving in.

This is footage of a guy, evidently trained in boxing or something similar, backpedalling away from a crowd while throwing punches. This is the best example I can find of a guy in a fight with more than one person, and kind of "winning". Despite the title of the video, I don't think he actually hits more than three or four people:

I have had multiple opponents twice both times space was there or was achived thought running. I escaped the first time and hide but still ened up facing one attacker. The second time I was jumped so I started running and assessing the situation how many people,size,if they are fit and a good spot to engage if I'm chased. I ended up finding a fence paling and got one guy in the arm with it. I finished the other two with leg kicks,sweeping the legs and boxed em a bit. There were onlookers but they where drunk or women. I had to run after that and was still chased after that.

Being capablefof successfully fighting multiple opponents usually require 2 options- retreat, or blitz tactics.

Retreating allows you to end a confrontation by not participating, or you will engage less opponents at a time.

Blitz tactics means that you end the fight as quickly and easily as possible eg finishing blows and/or vital strikes.

A good fighter can probably handle 3 or 4 inexperienced folks, unarmed, although the quality of the attackers is important.

It is possible to fight and win against more than one person, but it is nothing like the movies. My personal experience is three that I actually had to fight against (the fourth never engaged), but I sustained a broken nose (and subsequent black eyes), cracked rib, fat lip, "road rash" from the parking lot we were fighting in, a compressed wrist from hitting one guy in the forehead (he ducked a little), and a slightly hyper-extended knee. I don't know the exact extent of their injuries but they weren't able to continue when I walked away. I do remember getting in a good upper-cut on one, and a solid knee strike when one tried to take me down, but the rest is just blurry memory.

As for the whole movie thing... I guess if you could get them to attack you one at a time (like in the movies) which they don't do in real life, and you had the stamina to maintain the fight, it could be possible to defeat several opponents. But it's not something I'd recommend trying to test out.

It comes down to the difference in ability and training. One well trained and skillful fighter has a chance against multiple untrained attackers. The strikes would need to be fast and effective. There are many single strikes that are either deadly or incapacitating. You would have to make a split second correct choice of tactics and execute flawlessly.

Not like the movies! But you can handle 3-4 inexperienced fools if you are very good. It all depends on the type of person you are fighting and the level of fighting skills you have!

I don't know about Batman or the tv show arrow but someone can defend against multiple opponents.:)

Here is a video that has not being posted here again. I don't know if anyone is trained in this video and in what by the way:)

It's possible if you manage to line them up so they can only attack you one at a time. That's the only thing I know about fighting multiple people.

There is more or less only one way tactic when fighting multiple opponents. That's to try and make it so that they attack you one by one. If they surround you, you're done.

I know this is just a parody but I think it's hilarious and illustrates in a funny way about getting jumped in the movies vs real life.

Only in the movies

Hey I was wondering if you could actually take on multiple people at a time like in batman or the tv show arrow like if you mastered Krav Maga and bjj and mauy tie could it be possible to beat up like a group of people that aren't as expire need? And what would be the best fighting styles