> Fighting different move?

Fighting different move?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
depending on your fighting move does it deal different damage

? Are you referring to a game or in real life? In real life, combat doesn't necessarily mean doing damage. Many battles are won through mental warfare. And doing "most damage" depends on where you hit, how you hit, and who you hit. Some people are more pain tolerant than others.

If you are talking about games, then in most cases, different moves do different damage.

If the question is can a technique be used to deliver damage in a different way depending on how you use it the answer is yes and this especially applies to strikes and some punches. A shuto or knife hand strike is a good example of this. Aiming it at the neck and thyroid sheath of your adversary the intention is to kill or serious maim your opponent. On the other hand you can deliver this strike to joints like the inside of the elbow or just behind the elbow on the outside of the bicep or even at the wrist joint. When using it that way you are instead attacking those nerves that help direct your muscles in your arm and the tendons in the hand. You disrupt temporarily the person's coordination and control over those areas and their ability to defend themselves as well and basically render them one handed or one armed.

Your question touches on why in good schools with good instruction and high standards they teach anatomy and physiology along with other things. This way a student has a better understanding of these things and how to more effectively use and apply them. In addition they will also do some physical conditioning to help make a student less vulnerable to the affects of some of these applications as well. Much of this though has fallen by the wayside with the watered down instruction that you often find now in this country though.

depending on your fighting move does it deal different damage