> Fighting by pressure points?

Fighting by pressure points?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I want to know if there is a martial art that is about learning the pressure points and fighting with them. I think it could be very helpful and interesting.

I want you to imagine a scenario. You're walking home, after getting off your late night shift. It's dark, you're tired. You're all of a sudden approached by a violent homeless man. He asks for your wallet. You're a bit shaken up, but you stand your ground and refuse, you after all know the d34dly art of Dim Mak. He appears to be high on some pain killing drug. He pulls a knife out of his dirty coat, and charges at you.

After reading all of this, do you really believe, that under these stressful conditions, that you'll be able to hit a charging, murdering hobo, who's high on God knows what, that's swinging a knife at you, with pin point accuracy? Doesn't work that way bub. That's fiction. Nothing more than romanticized martial arts fantasy. Fighting and self defense don't look like they do in the movies. True violence is ugly, messy, gritty and very un-coordinated. You won't see any martial arts master taking on 20 guys.

Anyways, don't feel bad, most arts can't realistically prepare you for this scenario. It's hard to separate truth from fiction in the martial arts world. Plenty of people are telling you that what they do works, so on and so forth. I have my own ideas like everyone here as to what works and what doesn't. If you'd like, you can email me on here, and I can help you come up with something that works for you.

@Carlos: Hi Kokoro! How's it going buddy. Anyways, you won't be baiting me into giving up my other accounts lol. And at least I'm man enough to admit I have those accounts, to combat your thumb down marathons, and I'm man enough to call you out, using my actual account, instead of dummy accounts lol.

To answer your question, most pressure points are pain compliance and have a low chance of working, you are better off breaking something. as for for the comments well...

@ Keyboard

In that story your attacker has almost an 90% chance of having a blood borne infection so standing your ground for the $20-40 most people carry is stupid. I would give him my wallet and call it a night, if you fight him you end up either dead or with a disease that you will have to deal with for a lifetime. If you contact me I can teach you what you really need to know

There are points but in no way useful for self defense in reality. Maybe if you get ahold of someone and are in a position to submit them in some way I guess you could but unless the person is completely compliant with everything you do you are out of luck with pressure points and the like. Just learn to strike, in some way, accurately and as effortlessly as possible.

First of all you do not strike pressure points, you strike acupuncture points. These points have nothing to do with nerves and it does not require a tremendous amount of force to disrupt the chi flow in a meridian and if done properly could cause pain in certain parts of the body, also can be used to make a person faint or be used to kill.

There are such techniques, however, they are not easily learned and are quite dangerous. The head instructor, where I train, only passes on this type of information to his most advanced students, people who are already holding master rank, themselves. As a third degree black belt, the closest I have gotten is learning some non-lethal stuff that will stop or slow someone a bit.

In order for pressure point techniques to work, your opponent has to stand still and "let you" apply them. In other words, don't depend on pressure points techniques. You are far better off learning how to strike and grapple effectively than to learn about "hypothetical" pressure point strikes that only work in a controlled setting like a dojo where you are instructed to "hold still" while your instructor applies a painful technique to a pressure point on your body.

None of you actually answered my question though xD

Actually answering the question:





Some of the names for it are Kyoshu Jitsu and Dim Mak.

Don't listen to keyboard worrier, he is upset because he just found out bjj has kata. Now I'm sure he will go to his other accounts and thumb me down as well as give himself 12 thumbs up in the process, Just watch. LOL

@Keyboard worrier is your butt still hurting. LMAO. Are you still pretending I blocked you.

Why wont you answer my question keyboard worrier. Did I scare you.


Is that the best you can comeback with that I am someone else. LMAO.

I want to know if there is a martial art that is about learning the pressure points and fighting with them. I think it could be very helpful and interesting.