> Eskrima weapon translation to empty hands doesn't work?

Eskrima weapon translation to empty hands doesn't work?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
you obviously have ever taken or even seen eskrima/arnis.

nor do you know much about weapons, swords, knives, empty hands, etc.

the mechanics of iaido and japanese jujutsu translate quite well together and the movements are very similar. the same thing holds true for arnis using a stick a knife or empty hand. the movements all intertwine and work very well together in all three situations.

if you cant get this to work it is 100% your fault.

do you even have instructor? going by the question you asked in the past i seriously doubt it. more then likely you are home training, and have no clue what you are doing.

try getting an instructor maybe you will actually learn something

Are you saying that techniques like punches, finger jabs, knife-hands, elbow strikes, palm strikes, hammerfists, kicks, knee strikes, locks, chokes, sweeps, and stomps don't work? Because that's the empty-hand stuff I've encountered in FMA. And such a claim would be ridiculously false.

FMA tend to be complete systems, combining both weapons and empty-hand techniques, in my experience. Even weaponless, you've still got the empty-hand curriculum.

The only real thing that I think doesn't translate as well is the gunting (scissoring) motion where one parries a punch while simultaneously striking the biceps. Cutting the biceps can end the threat, but against anyone close to healthy condition and the same size, it probably won't even slow them down.


"Guntings" do work if you train in them realistically. Kajukenbo has an Escrima influence. We call the "gunting" Basic Number 1. When we practice our Basic Number 1, we "gunting" each other so hard that you can feel your neck and spine vibrating. Intermediate students can block out he pain because we are desensitized to it. And we don't bruise because our biceps are so used to being smashed.

This is very unpleasant for beginners. And "guntings" are Basic Number 1. Most beginners don't stick around to learn Basic Number 2.

The way Kajukenbo people train for "guntings", I know they work.

You are the worst person this is not a versus forum please leave all complaints somewhere proper like your sun or the son.

Seems to me like Eskrima is more of a fencing art like fencing or african stick fighting. In other words it won't work against a trailed unarmed fighter if your unarmed to. Because theres a chance where you won't be able to find a weapon with you or even have one.

It doesn’t work. Weapons have their own strengths and weaknesses and these are often far different from the strengths and weaknesses of the empty handed techniques. Hell, you can’t even properly use sword techniques with a knife and these two have so much in common. When you make direct technique transitions like this you end up with kind of useable, but second rate techniques. Rather the things that should transition over from weapon to weapon is athletic ability, bio-mechanic principles, and feel for the flow of battle. These things make great transitions and can even make the great leap going from melee weapons to projectile weapons. But I state again, I wouldn’t make assumptions that empty hand techniques make great weapons technique and vice and versa.