> Does no gi jiu jitsu have a belt ranking system?

Does no gi jiu jitsu have a belt ranking system?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I just want to know

I don't mean to butt-in as Shae and KW are the BJJ experts here.But personally I would rather train without a gi because on the street, you most likely won't be wearing one.

I understand that the gi can be utilized as a weapon and may make it easier to control your opponent. But again, you most likely won't be wearing one. I am a big proponent of training in realistic attire. Not all the time, but if you're techniques aren't adaptable to street clothes, then you'll be in a world of trouble if it happens that you find yourself in a real life fight.

Basically all I'm saying is don't let the first time you "use" your martial art in street clothes be the time it's for real.

Any way, that's just my two cents... for what it's worth, I'm pretty sure these two would kick my ***.

Edit: Shae, the hoodie example you gave is an excellent example, good point. I've never studied BJJ officially; I've wrestled for 6 seasons, and was in an MMA club when I was in the Air Force and in college where I got more exposure to it. But currently I take Judo lessons, and we do use gi, but it's different than BJJ.

No it doesnt. Most legitimate BJJ academies require student to spend time training in Gi as well. If you train without gi then you are essentially losing part of the art. The gi is essential in the training of BJJ and without it you are hindering yourself and your technique.. Without a gi you cannot meet the requirements for the curriculum of the ranking system. This is also another reason for genuine academies to train with gi.

EDIT @ KW you are NOT recognised as a BJJ rank if you train no gi. They may use informal rankings because some places do that but you are not legitimately ranked in the art because you cannot pass the requirements from the BJJ curriculum


Once you begin giving ranks outside of the curriculum you have essentially established another governing body and style because you cannot receive official accreditation

EDIT @ BBQpit- Most bjj guys use no-gi as well but there is an art to grappling with a gi and the skills learned from gi grappling transfer to no-gi grappling easier than the other way around. So once the skills required are met with gi then you train both. Have you ever seen a no-gi grappler fight wearing a hoody and sweatpants. I have a number of times and they are beyond useless. They now have to deal with people having grips of their clothing and not just relying on underhooks etc. So they are like a fish out of water because they do not train where people have grips on them. Were as if you train and learn both then you are capable of using both in a self defense situation. Gi training is not respected enough and it is an essential tool in training for this reason alone, if you do not train gi as well as no-gi then you are officially not recognized in rank.

I believe submission wrestling is what your talking about no gi bjj only exists inside a gi bjj class. From my knowledge people can get black belt in honour of there skill if they compete in major events.

I just want to know