> Does a black gi signify expertise in jiu jitsu?

Does a black gi signify expertise in jiu jitsu?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I learned that there is ridiculous rules about gis today.

White is the traditional color based on samurai's clothes under the armor.(Samurai wore white because it's the death clothes. So if they die in battle then they are already dressed for the burial)

Blue was created to easily differentiate one person from another in judo. It was created for competition purposes.

Black was created just because it looked cool as far as I know. I believe it's mainly bjj and not so traditional branches of karate and TKD that uses them.

Signifying anything through gi other than uniformity seems silly to me, but I guess people like to make a big thing out of everything.

PS You should probably hold off purchasing your gi until you know what the class would prefer. You don't want to purchase the black and then find out that the class only allows white gis for the uniformity or something.

In traditional bjj and jiu jitsu all serious students by two GIS and white one to be worn during training and when competing on the right in a competition to show purity of spirit blue GIS are less common and there used in completion on the left ,for show or by superiors they symbalis experience in competition. Black GIS are almost allways for no rules fights or celebrations. the sport of jiu jitsu ussally has little tradition and all colored GIS are welcome as opposed to judokas who must strictly wear white GIS no patches unless authorised.

check with your school to see what is acceptable.

In our dojo we mostly wear black gi. But traditionally it is a white gi. But we use black because our dojo is inside of a recreation center. Their are other people that use the room where we train for various activities. They are supposed to make sure it is clean before we use it, but they don't. The black gi won;t show the dirt as fast while we are training as you will end up on the ground in our dojo.

When we go and train in other places we wear our whites. But at home we wear black. We can have days when we don't wear a gi.

Ask your instructor if there are rules for uniform color! Usually gi color does not signify level. It is the belt that is used to represent level of expertise. However there are some dojos that set unifor color so that there is uniformity in the class. Check for instructions and rules, and if there are no rules regarding uniform, go and get yourself a good black gi :-). All the best.

Not really it could me mopp.


I'm going to start jiu jitsu for one of my P.E classes in college. I'm required to buy my own gi. I'm a junior black belt in taekwondo, and most black belts wore black doboks or the white adidas doboks which showed that they were black belts. I'm searching around for jiu jitsu gi's and I see mostly white, blue and black. I want to get the black one, but I'm not sure if that gives off the impression that i'm already well versed in jiu jitsu.