> Does Judo have every BJJ ground technique?

Does Judo have every BJJ ground technique?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I am not talking about Sport Judo or Sport BJJ

Does Kodokan Judo have every Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ground technique? Is it why Judokas call it "Basically Just Judo"

Yes in the forbidden kata. From Jigaro Kano himself the founder of modern Judo.

Many believe that Judo does not contain kata because Judo kata is only generally studied by Dan grades

The forbidden kata contains a whole series of sport forbidden techniques such as wrist and finger locks. chokes and strangles that are applied with the fingers, also several kicking stamping and fist as well as open hand techniques, and ground and throwing techniques known to be extremely dangerous a good example is the throwing technique named Kani Basami. ( Which tends to lay its victim on the back of the head and neck) .It could also very easily be adapted to form the Karate technique Tobi Yoko Geri) it was only in recent times forbidden (i.e. As late as the mid 1970s) to use in Randori,contest Judo, or Gradings.

As for the name 'Judo' it means 'gentle way' and it was exactly what Dr Kano had in mind when he developed The martial sport of Judo from Ju Jitsu.

Judo was in fact designed to be a martial sport that could be practiced by the majority of the population in safety.

See links below for the forbidden kata of Jigoro Kano and the now forbidden technique of Kani Basami also. Kani Basami until forbidden was standard second Kyu curriculum. e.g it would be taught when a student trained to brown belt standard as a part of the brown belt grading in the u.k.



you do them for a kata. A lot of peolple do them for special comps where the rules are changed called freestyle judo ussally blue and above rating. I wouldn't say basiclly as its has its own deal but form an alien point of view you could say gjj is just small man kano ju jitsu aka judo.

I am not talking about Sport Judo or Sport BJJ

Does Kodokan Judo have every Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ground technique? Is it why Judokas call it "Basically Just Judo"