> Does ATA piss off anyone else like me?

Does ATA piss off anyone else like me?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
ATA is pretty much the daddy of all McDojo's. They only exist because people gullible and don't do their research. If people would stop going there there would be no more ATA.

No person should hold a black belt unless they are atleast 18 years old (16 in some scenarios) and they have consistently trained to the highest quality for a minimum of 6 years, 8 would be better. Honestly i dont really rate anyone unless they earned their black belt over atleast 5 or 6 years unless they are a complete freak.

Yep ATA pretty much sucks.

everything is like that no a days. With every all teams in sports getting medals and trophies. and in championship games the losers get a prize too. Who came up with this? This isn't how we should be supporting things. I just found out they lowered the honors level at this school to a 2.5 GPA. Thats a joke. People now a days make things too easy for kids to get awarded. It gives kids praise that don't deserve it and fails to shine on the kids who really deserve the praise. So personally i don't have much experience with the whole black belt situation. But I've seen it through other things.

So what! I really don't care. I do not have to go train there if I don't want to and neither does anybody else. I'd rather go train than waste my time getting upset about something I can not change. It's a waste of energy that can be spent a lot better than focusing on negative things. There are lots of good schools out there too.

Sorry to burst everyone's bubble , but having a black belt does not mean you are some sort on indestructible Ninja killing machine. A black belt just means you have a basic ability to perform the techniques, it does not mean you are skilled. becoming skilled comes with many many more years of training.

Children are perfectly capable of having a basic ability to perform the techniques.

Secondly, not all black belts are equal. A black belt from one club does not mean the students are at the same level of skill as black belts at another club. Black belts only have worth within the organisation that awards them.

It is in the mind learn to read.

It's just so ridiculous. They hand out black belts. I think anyplace that gives a black belt in 3 years or less is a joke.You know a place is a McDojo when 8 year olds hold black belts. And camouflage belt? Are you kidding me? Pretty much every black belt I have seen from the three I Know about would not be considered near a black belt in any legit school.They used to be legit back until their founder passed away now they are laughable. Doss anyone else notice this too?