> Do you think black fighters usually have weaker legs?

Do you think black fighters usually have weaker legs?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Coincidence? I don't think so!


Is this a serious question?

And to question the answers from people who have been doing martial arts longer than you have been alive, like Mark, is just silly, and held in low regard.

I know! Go ask Jon Jones this question. I am sure he will beg to differ!

I can say what you say is weak and pretty much racist... martial arts has no creed.. any person can kick and break their leg... any person can jump and break there angle.. these are bones and race has nothing to do with a bone break... your reasons are mute since your not a true martial artist or practice the teaching of them none race and oneness... in fact if wasn't for Asians no one else would be able to practice these arts..

I think you're grasping at straws.

It actually wouldn't make much since to make that stereotype when there's already a stereotype that black people jump higher and runner faster than other races. Realistically, how would the legs be that vulnerable at the same time?

Not really but if I have child that learns all my martial arts knowledge whether people make fun of my martial arts or not I want a little white kid with ittle little bitty fingers to play fingers with or vietnamese kid if I can be with a white. But I would love to teach a kid. My own kid that is.

Look down the barrel of a loaded gun and I promise to nominate you for a Darwin award

Hard kicker+harsh weight cut=pain. Go to Thailand watch them break there legs. Watch them train before they fight.

Weaker than what?

Coincidence? I don't think so!
