> Do you like ducking? Or do you avoid ducking altogether?

Do you like ducking? Or do you avoid ducking altogether?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Ducking to avoid a strike is appropriate under certain conditions and it can allow you to move in on the attacker but, you have to know how to do it.

Practice and always move with an idea as to where you are moving to and a reason for doing the same.

Wakarimasu, tomodachi?

Tomo hit the nail on the head. It works under certain conditions in certain situations, just like everything else.

You don't mention what type of kick you ducked. However you were much too slow ducking if he was able to hit you with another kick. This sounds like taekwondo, which is famous for their multiple powerless kicks on one leg (sighs) when one powerful one is all it takes.

Learn to bob and weave, this is much more effective than ducking. Also learn the 'lean back' by shifting your weight to the back foot and leaning backwards.


If this is what you mean by high block, an axe kick on top of your head is the least of your worries, theres something much worst that made bobing and weaving almost extinct in muay thai: Knees. Ducking low into a knee is not a good idea. Sometimes you'll see pros get away with it, but if your opponent has any skill and catchers you ducking, he will throw feints and then throw a devastating knee, or maybe even kick you. What I was getting around to with the block is, if you throw that block you will slow your weave and possibly telegraph it. A better idea might be this block (it will be harder to see) but it doesnt protect the front of your face.


Once you kick you lose all your balance you o nly have two centers of equilibrium and thats your two feet standing at shoulder width you have a weak point in front and in back of you if you get pushed or pulled u take a step forward or back exactly in the weak spot lets say u got pushed (lightly) from bhi d nowyour standing with your strong foot (were gonna say right) in the once was weak spot but niw your strong. Now your weak spots are to the side of you so yo dont want to move to the side and expose your self . If they kick they have a weak spot basically in a 360 degree perimeter arou d the foot station on the ground. A kick will completely expose a very vulnerable weak spot all arou d you will have no counter balance to any force set in motion from any angle - and the force doesnt have to be strong try it with a friend see how easy it is to push you down from any angle standing in a kicki g pose - Anderson Silva broke his leg kicking lol - once they kick use that to your advantage

One time I was sparring a person who seemed to be a little better than me, and I ducked one of his kicks instead of blocking or moving a different direction, and after I ducked, he did an axe kick right top of my head. I wasn't hurt badly, but he said it is better not to duck, I should have side stepped or blocked.

My instructor doesn't have anything against ducking, and now I habitually put one hand above my head in a high block whenever I duck.

So that is why I am curious to ask you all what your experience on ducking is.