> Do you ever train with women in your dojo?

Do you ever train with women in your dojo?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Haha, "little man." Back when I was single, the thought of a hot martial arts chick was a very nice thought. When I encountered a hot chick in a martial arts class, the only difference in my sparring was that I wanted to impress her. So, in that regard, it was a distraction, but I still tried my best. If there is a really unattractive woman or any kind of man sparring me, I don't try to destroy them, nor do I try to pretend they as frail as a 100 year old. I always try to make a contact hit at the intended target without full force in sparring, I only go full force on an inanimate target.

As far as boners are concerned, I have never got one in the middle of sparring, but if I did, I would probably just keep sparring. I would hope she would not be able to notice because she is too concerned with not getting hit. If you do notice it, just take it as a complement, right? It doesn't mean he's a lecher.

Well when I first go on the guys look at my size and my cuteness and assume I couldn't possibly be a threat... so for the first 5 seconds they go light,then they realise I can hold my own,Then they realise that not only can I hold my own but I'm beating them real bad,THEN they realise that even with them going as hard as they can and full contact I'm still effortlessly beating them. Jokes on them for judging a book by it's sweet cover. I have had one embarrassing moment with a guy who had no self control over his ummm private part... He just excused himself to the bathroom and avoided me all night. No one else noticed thank God and I pretended I hadn't. Good thing I train in lots of different dojos..

For most young men (and old too) a pretty woman is going to be a distraction to some degree. But not neccessarily to the point of not being able to focus primarily on the training. We had a few attractive young girls come through our school but they never stayed long. I think they were intimidated by all the guys in the class.

All the men in my class seem fine with women, yeah. They just respect them as fellow human beings, like most decent guys do.

In regards to strength, use common sense. E.g. I'm fine with sparring against boys who weigh around my weight, so they spar me like they would any other guy. However, if its a man with bulging muscles, then he usually goes light contact on me.

That's just me though. There are plenty of strong women out there, contrary to popular belief. And they joined martial arts for a reason, so they wouldn't exactly like you to go soft on them.

So common sense is needed. You'll see quickly if they can take your hits in sparring or not. Especially with how hard they hit you back. Every women is different so you can calculate from this how hard to hit them.

Train attractive women all the time. I am professional and I have more self-control than to allow my "little man" to stand and be recognized. It is irrelevant as to how a person looks when they seek martial training, or at least it should be. If it is a genuine concern for you, you should not be an instructor.

I do and I have. Not many though come to our dojo.

We currently have one who shows up to cross train and to train in general. She in not "enrolled" per se with the class.

Her name is Razell and her father is an 8th Dan in Kyokushin Karare and has trained in other arts like Judo. He trained her since she could walk almost daily.

Her art is second nature to her. Fighting is as easy as breathing.

And yes, I have trained with her and she has beaten me and everyone else in the class, including master a few times.

As for me having problems training with women? I have none. I have no problem training with or fighting women. They are my equals and they can fight just as good as any man.

They have much to prove and prove it time and time again.

Anyone who doesn't concentrate on sparring with me when he's sparring with me is going to get punched in the face.

As the resident safe guy and newazza expert at my club I get alot of the new students which I teach basic ground attack and defense. I have never thought This way about women as a adult an believe doing so is wrong. I find the more pultonic sexually a club is the more trainig gets done so I keep by that. My club is literally like gold to me as I don't think Id ever do anything to stuff up training there on purpose.

I am not allowed to TOUCH women at all.

if two blonde blue eyed 19yrs old nurse students come to your dojo, and the teachers puts them with you.

would you be able to focus on your training or what? also what would you do if your little man stands to attention down their?

would you be worried about breaking them, i am compared to a guy you can't really whack them can you?