> Do you believe about inner power, like chi, prana, etc?

Do you believe about inner power, like chi, prana, etc?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
an you give me reason for your anwer?

Never close your mind to things you do not know. All that i know is that the human body is a magnificent machine that is both incredibly fragile and incredibly powerful. The moment you close you mind to the possibility of something is the moment you close the doorway to any learning. You dont always have to believe but sometimes just having an open mind makes all the difference.

Nope. There's no scientific basis for it. If this was at all possible, all the world's militaries would have invested time and money into it to make unkillable soldiers.

Edit: Kokoro, the link you've presented isn't a study. It's a text written about one guy who made a few claims, doesn't give any details about his supposed experiments, and most importantly, hasn't been peer-reviewed by the scientific/medical community. Not saying there aren't such things, but that definitely isn't one of them.

Jhon Koplak, the military uses everything it can to it's advantage. The US pours a LOT of money into the military, and a lot of that goes to research and development. That's not even including other large militaries, such as the UK, China, Russia, and India; some of these nations have a pervasive culture of "mystical life energy" already, and it wouldn't be out of line to put some research towards the subject. I'm willing to bet they all probably have already. Again, if there was some way to super-charge soldiers without having to build, upkeep, upgrade, and equip some new technology, then yes, it would be used by the military.

Edit 2: " we knew god is exsit"

No, we don't. You apparently believe. Many do. Others don't. Even if two people claim to believe in "god" they may have very different meanings for that word. But believing is not KNOWING. In fact, it's the opposite- faith is believing in something without substantial proof.

"do you believe martial arts works in war? can you beat tanks with your punch?"

Yes, martial arts work in war. That's why soldiers are taught hand-to-hand combat. Not to "beat tanks with your punch"- that's what rocket-propelled grenades are for. You seem to forget that even in war, men fight men. Combat is STILL up close and personal for the guys on the ground. Weapons jam or are lost, and that's where unarmed combat comes into play. I'm a veteran of two wars- how many have you been in?

As you have already probably been told, there has been not been a study that has confirmed anything. Most people who use "Chi" are usually using tricks. Dilman comes to mind (

Qi in modern Pinyin Romanization or Ki in Japanese is a primitive concept that has been refuted by modern scientists. It is absurd for anyone to claim any reputable scientists have found even the slightest evidence for it. I have read much in scientific journals that tells about scientists finding no evidence it exists and exposing some frauds, e.g. George Dillman, who claim to use it. The troll called Kokoro (It is quite unwise to use an Asian name when you do not know the full implications of it and alternative meanings.) has used bad websites several times and does not know how wrong they are. It is sad that this category has so many amateur pretenders who actually know nothing about Asian languages, culture or martial arts but only look at dubious websites that may have terrible errors. Some people spend their days on such websites pretending to be experts in assorted subjects and looking at bad websites for hours. Such people will never learn much. The sage Laozi who founded Daoism wrote that the value of a cup is in its emptiness. Before you can drink refreshing wine or water from it, you must empty the cup of stale wine or urine and wash it well. Before you can fill your brain with facts, you must discard wrong ideas that are so common on websites. Kokoro should heed Laozi.

EDIT- I see the trolls(s?) gave Bbqpit several thumbs down for telling the truth about two of them- or is it one with two accounts?

Prana Life is all about life, nature and its gifts; the gifts that help us get healthier, feel calmer and relaxed, spiritual and whole.

Nature has given us so much… A place to live, air to breathe, light to grow, and apart from all these, a lot of other powerful substances that not only bring beauty and vitality, but also provide us with a lot of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits.

I do and have said as much in this forum as well as given personal examples of this before. The most recent was when I was parking my motorcycle and forgot to put the kickstand down. My bike is 700 lbs and my dominant, stronger side is not my left side. As I started to let the bike lean to the left and put my left foot out the bike of course went way beyond what it should and past forty-five degrees. I was able to stop its momentum and upright it just pushing using with my left leg. I honestly don't know where I got the surge of strength and was able to react and keep it from falling completely over and I am not a big person by any means.

I have at times experienced similar things when fighting and competing also that really there is no explanation for of a physical nature. Maybe those that are skeptical just have not had any of those experiences and so they doubt its existence is what I think and believe.

I think that people want to believe in mystical unbeatable technique or powers. I have seen no evidence that they exist. I do believe in Ki (or what ever word you choose to describe it), BUT, I do not believe it is anything mystical. I believe that it is an instant in time were you use your movement, accuracy, muscle tension, and breathing as perfectly as possible while coordination their use and timing so that you achieve the most effective result. In other words it is not something that a person can do in every movement they make or in a series of multiple techniques. It is something that can be done fairly often only to people that have trained properly for a long time.


Scientists find no Chi, Prana, etc., thus no logical reason think it exist. Some frauds claim they use it, sketics expose some of them.

Yes, I do believe that qi/chi is the life-force of a person or anything living, and that includes plants and animals. Only those who died had no chi. Pranic energy refers only to energies in human beings, as 'prana' is part of the Hindu-Ayuvedic belief system. Chi, is Chinese and basic to the Chinese philosophy of Life, and the governing force of the Cosmos. A close parallel will be from The Book of Genesis, the breath that God blew into his living creations. If chi is life-force, why then are we arguing whether life-force exist, whether science can prove that there is life-force, whether one can feel the life-force? Ridiculous!

My belief of Chi do not have that romanticism that you have when you answered @the cake. The superstitious Chinese in the 19th Century who joined the 'Boxers' thought the same about chi that once they drank the charmed water and undergone chi-training, they would be imperious to swords and spears, and even bullets.Thousands died from musket-fire and the Boxer Rebellion was squashed. You should not be like them. Chi-gung is not for the purpose of making you bullet-proof.

Are there any chi-exercises that can toughen your skin, bones and sinews? You have seen martial artists who balanced themselves with spears to their torso, bent spears with their throats, break bricks with their heads, and things of these sorts. Temple mediums in trance slash their bodies with sharpened swords with no apparent injury, and some people could start fire with their bare hands, just by mere intense concentration. These practitioners, except those temple mediums, will call their powers as chi. You can dispute about this till the cows come home whether these displays are exhibitioning chi or are illusions. There are two chi-exercises taught in Shaolin, the Iron Shirt, and Golden Bell. Check these out. I'm sure that there are many more from other schools.

Will one who has that immense command of chi win every fight? If you look closely to those martial artists marshalling their chi in their act to balance on spears, etc, it takes time to get their act together so to speak. In a real fight, they would not be given such quarters. One of China's famous martial artists, Ma Yung Zhen, a Cha-quan exponent in the early 20th century and known for his chi had to die in an ambush, literally hacked to death. That should destroy your romantic ideas about chi.

If you could change your perception about chi and appreciate that it is merely a life-force which you can, through special exercises, improve the force to benefit your health and use it for self-healing or even to heal others of some ailments, then chi is more believable. Still, no throwing chi-balls, that is only possible in film-studios.

I think that the whole mystical aspect of martial art is just things lost in translation. Like the chi and the body energy was the ancients attempt to explain bio-physics before there was scientific term for what they were trying to explain.

E.g. a master explaining that the heated yang energy of the form and two man drill practice needs to be counter balanced by drawing the yin energy of the woods/earth by practicing proper chi gong and zhan zhuang. It sounds like there is fire spirit burning in us providing us with energy, then we draw power from the woods and the earth, and it sounds really cool. In reality what was being said was your muscles are heated from practice so go and stretch out and cool down before resting. This makes sense to us because we been taught how muscles function and the concept of stretching and cool down exists for us as a culture. But if you just came up with this stuff and trying explain the thing when the vocab doesn’t exist could prove challenging. Thus the vague words that expresses the important parts, but also could be taken completely wrong.

Have an original master pass that knowledge on to a student, then have that student pass it down by stating that 'fire energy fuels our practice, and we also draw energy from the earth', then have the next student reteach stating that 'our style uses fire energy coming from the depth of the earth', then the next student states that their master was able to 'shoot fire by drawing the power of magma'. See the lost in translation effect? I think this is the truth about the magical claims that certain people make, but I don’t think any of that is the truth.

No I don't believe in any of that crap. No one has ever proven it. You can't measure it, you can't see it, you can't use it in any way that is detectable. But people still believe in it. Why I don't know.

can you give me reason for your anwer?

Here's what happens when you try to use Chi in a fight. If you don't want to watch I can sum it up for you. You get KTFO

Oh really Darth and what peer-reviewed journal can we read about this?

Grow up, seriously. There is no such thing as "chi" or "inner power". You guys can't be this uneducated.

Nopes just a steaming pile of horse crap.

I don't subscribe to the concept at all.

there has been several studies that have proven the existence of chi, including the one i posted below. there was also several university studies proving the existence of chi through out the united states


bbqpit you just choose to remain ignorant about such things even with all the evidence i doubt you would sill chose to believe

I believe there is something in it, i don't really know what , but our bodies work on energies, i guess its a bit like a power socket in the wall, you can't see the electricity, you can't smell or hear the electricity ,but if you stick a knife in the socket, im pretty sure you will feel the electricity!

Yes I believe in it...The reason why is because I have used it many times..

As one answerer very nicely said, I also advice people not to close their mind to things that they don't know..They don't limit anyone else like that, rather than themselves:)

Actually there is scientific study being done by some doctors in NJ and their conclusion was that it does exist.

Yes, I believe;

But, I won't explain it;

Yes we do my friend. Thank you you need to stay on this irresistible talk here.