> Do people who train high annoy you?

Do people who train high annoy you?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I have a training partner who uses on occasion. When he does he tends to go a little harder. I know when he does because I can smell it so I just tap a little sooner. So far this has worked out for me. The guy is nice, respectful, polite, never tries to prove something on the floor and never has the intend of hurting someone and has never shown any indication that he is irresponsible. So I have kept my mouth shut but I am watching him like a hawk. I have wrestled with the question of saying something to my teacher or not. If he gets kicked out, I am out the best training partner I have in this class and just because the way things are in this school I would lose more than anybody. I also know that he uses because of pain. His doctors can not help him and any prescription pain killers he would have to take would be just as bad so it really does not matter.

Some things simply are not just black and white.

If I had to train with people who were recreationally stoned out of their wits when coming to class I would say something and I did have that happen to me too. I did tell the teacher and as it turned out the teacher already knew that there was a problem and me saying something gave him more leverage to help this student clean up. It worked out and that student is still with the school and sober.

It all depends on the situation and in the end the decision to say and or do something is up to you.

The injury one of these people experienced is the primary reason why students and people should not train while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. That went without saying at my school as the training was pretty hard core and the standards that were set really insured that you attended with the proper attitude and approach or you instead stayed home.

As I see it you should maybe say something to the instructor and let him handle it if he thinks its a problem. These days instructors sometimes won't for fear of losing students but by taking the tact that it is a safety thing for them and everyone else as well as will help them develop their skills and ability better if they come to class clear headed might be enough to get them to consider not coming to class high.

A side note to this is some people do use lotions and oils because they have very dry skin which do sometimes have an odor or fragrance to them that when combined with sweat can smell like something else. Just because a person looks high does not mean they are either; I used to get asked that sometimes because my eyes would be red and glassy sometimes when I was younger. Talk to your instructor and put it in his court is what I say and perhaps the problem will get solved to everyone's satisfaction.

omg i hate ppl who hate ppl who train high. what do you mean your clearly not a pro at smoking him being high probibally had nothing to do with the injury. eddie brovo among others like the diaz bros advise training high so do i. thingsa come more natiural. youve never played basketball high? cause thats the best way. i wouldnt smoke before trying to learn something new but sparring thats all good. riley you need to stop snitchin nobody likes a snitch its a bad thing to be

i now think els the smartest guy here

Have a word with em.

The asshle that broke his arm knows he got hurt cuz he was piffed, believe me...kinda like when you break your hand in a drunken barfight, you wake up and realize that wouldn't have happened if you were straight. But not everyone learns.

What they're doing could just as well get someone else hurt, you don't want that, do you? Call them out and if they don't take to what you're saying, then maybe you should talk to your sensei.

Try to avoid that at all costs, but still, your instructor don't want anyone breaking their necks in his dojo.

Sigh. More YA snobbery. Weed is huge among some in high level fight circles. Injuries are going to happen regardless. There are quite few very high level martial artists advocating its use. Eddie Bravo being the most vocal.

Weed is not the problem. To those comparing weed to alcohol, your f'n clueless.

Never had that happen that I know of. But it'd bother me as it'd make them careless and less careful about their own safety and thed safety of their classmates. If it only hurt them though, then let them go ahead and train that way.

I've never had someone turn up to class high. I'm pretty sure my trainer would kindly escort them out.

If they are high, tell your master! Or are you scared of these *******?

We have a group of people who do judo once a week at my club there gi allways recks of pot. My sensis are straight and narrow guys so I don't think they would pick up on it. But about 4 months ago I think it was one of the stoners who was high got thrown with a Tai otshi or Uchi mata I can't remember. But becuse he was high his hand or something went inside the gi and he ended up breaking his wrist for arm and something else. His friends stopped coming after that but there back now and look high what should I do. They don't compete at all because there whites and I don't think there a danger to anyone but themself any tips on what I should do. I want to report them but I think I'd have a hard time proving it. They are use-less as training partners. Shure I smoke abit of green but never within like 12 hours of any class. I don't want to hurt them I just can't believe there back after what happened to the friend who still isn't back.