> Do other martial arts schools operate like this?

Do other martial arts schools operate like this?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I heard something like this is normal. The places I been training in however never did paid belt testing nor will I ever join a place that does.

I met a man who teaches, charges for classes but does not charge for exams and belts cost $6. I saw a green belt test which one of the things was he threw a few punches (very hard sounding) on his students expecting them to block, all of them did by the way.

Try to do a search on Google, maybe that will work out

Apart from being family run, this is exactly how I remember my Aikido club from 20 years ago. All that you describe is exactly what I'd expect from any martial arts school, although actual techniques taught might vary according to the fundamental disciplines involved.

Yep, I went to multiple place similar to this. I would say that this is normal.

My martial arts school is a family run business. All the family members are high ranked. The rank tests all cost extra. I have to memorize many self defense techniques, some intercepting kick combos, many boxing combos, multiple katas, jiujitsu lock flows, a weapons form and be in fit physical condition.