> Do fencers know how to street-fight?

Do fencers know how to street-fight?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Do they learn new techniques that they could perform without their swords?

If they do, they didn't learn it from fencing. They might have some decent footwork, but, you know, not a sword. And even the ones they use are much lighter than any real weapon of that length. Nothing like a real sword.

You're not going to learn street-fighting from fencing, if that's what you're asking.

Jeet kune do utilizes a fencing stance with your right foot forward. You might get that out of fencing BUT you're not going to learn how to defend yourself on the street by learning to fence.

EDIT: i am talking about the modern olmypic style fencing

We dont want to talk about those kind of things.

This depends on what type of fencing. They will be able to beat an inexperienced fighter with a sword , knife , or stick. Sometimes even bare knuckles. But not a pure mma fighter

arnis is fencing, they also learn to fight without a weapon using the same concepts,

european fencing doesnt have the same philosophy as philippians or asian styles

it depends upon the styles

ARMA And HEMA European maritial arts revival groups do fencing with historically proportioned swords they also sometimes take part in "ringen" or unarmoured fighting/wrestling. But modern sport fencing has very little to do with real fighting. When Rapier style swords were still popular for use and carrying, duels would occassionally be fought with a "pointe de arret" sword, which was closer to what the modern fencing foil is. It featured a point split into 3 or more prongs that when stabbed at the opponent would pierce through the first layer of clothes,flex, and stop before being penetrated into the vital organs. Its worth noting that the fighting stances of a Rapier fighter and a sport fencer are different, a rapier fighter would have a more squared off stance with the chest facing the opponent, whereas a sport fencer is turned sideways to provide less of a target to hit, the difference is that if you were stabbed with a real sword with a modern fencing stance it is likely that both of your lungs would be pierced, where a more squared off stance increased your chance to live if you take a hit.

I don't think so. Fencing is more like tapping the opponent with a sword to score points. It honestly has nothing to do with street fighting, so I doubt it.

Fencing the sport is far from being from realistic swordplay. The techniques they learn is how to score points, not how to cut or impale, let alone any self defense, and let alone further hand to hand combat. That's not the sport, so would they.

Only on a games console

Do they learn new techniques that they could perform without their swords?