> Did you see the martial law in st lous?

Did you see the martial law in st lous?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
It is not martial law as Kokoro says.

It is only a midnight curfew for one night. They ill decide later if there will be a curfew again tonight.

It is not constant rioting. It has been mostly peaceful protest. But the acts of a few ignorant people rioting and looting. Those people are not protesting. They are opportunist and are taking advantage of the situation to commit other crimes. They should be locked up.

Those ignorant people are causing hardworking people to lose jobs because some of those businesses will not reopen. New businesses may not want to move in. Current business can't open or they have to close early. They have to pay for clean up and repairs. The citizens in that community can't get much sleep because of all of the noise. My mother couldn't even get her prescription filled because the pharmacy was closed. My niece works and don't get off until late, She catches the bus and has to walk the rest of the way home. It would be after 12 am. That would put her in violation of the curfew. residence are tired of the protesting. Most of the protestor and the criminal are from different communities/states, etc.

It's not all of St. Louis County that is under the curfew. It is the small segment of the county in Ferguson, Missouri. Anyway, it really isn't "martial law" because the people can come and go from Ferguson. It's just that between certain night time and early morning hours, only police, EMS, or other important workers can be outside on public property in Ferguson, and even these people can be stopped and questioned by the police.

martial law was not declared yet,

it would be a mistake to due so, its only going to make matters worse.

besides this request did not come from the Governor of the state to the president. Not the local city authority.

the city is has riots at night and business are being rampage robbed and destroyed. what these people rioting fail to realize in the riots is the small business wont be-able to rebuild and the big corporate business will just pull out and not rebuild costing there community money and jobs in the future.

the day time protests are peaceful


btw a midnight curfew is not martial law.

Martial law was not declared and martial law has nothing to do with martial arts. They are entirely two different things. Martial law is a legal condition that is declared by either federal authorities or can be also declared by the governor of each state to bring about greater control of a situation. During it individual legal rights are greatly reduced or restricted temporarily so that control of the situation can be more easily established for everyone's safety and benefit.

Martial arts are those arts that teach various aspects of defending yourself and fighting and have nothing to do with a legal status.

St. Louis resident here. "Martial Law" is when the governor turns over law enforcement duties to the military, usually the National Guard.

Nothing of the sort has been done in Ferguson.

Notice that Ferguson is one small municipality, one of about 100 in the St. Louis County area.

Hit the news worldwide, even here in New Zealand.


Hope this comes up its a NZ search ,https://www.google.co.nz/webhp?sourceid=...

From what i understand there are the peaceful protest in the day , but the looters and rioters come out at night.