> Desparate help needed anyone !! please read?

Desparate help needed anyone !! please read?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Do not fight. Despite what you said you have not met any requirements that would allow you to use force. Please, tell the police. It is your only good option. Of course it will mean something if he gets arrested, it's no light matter. The school will also likely get in trouble for not taking action. The best thing you could possibly do in this situation is tell the police. It is the only way to resolve this problem.

Now go forth, and tell the police.

call the police then. if the teachers and principal wont do anything then they open themselves u to a law suit. bulling is illegal in most states, and there are laws about this as well

and it will mean something if he gets arrested, if he gets arrested often enough at that age in some place there parents will lose custody of the child. plus since its a bulling act his parents can be suited as well. you parents should also look into that option

Dear Lord no. Tell your parents and report this to the police. Don't be afraid to ask them for help. If you don't ask for help, then the problem will increase. All the best and hope that the problem goes away.

Don't fight him unless you have friends to back you up. If he has friends then you could get ganged up on.

Be a man and Beat his fuckin ***

Hi, been bullied at school for 9 months now, this boy offered me a fight today however I wasn't in. I refused as the staff do nothing, now everyone's calling me a *****, this kid said he's going to rape my mom. He's been hitting my friend. My friend WILL NOT do anything. Everyone's calling me a ***** for not going in. Shall I go in tomorrow. I'm sick of him, my mom said I'm not too hit him first. He hits my friend though so when he does that I might just lay into him. He's bullying me everyday. No one likes me at school either, any ideas ?? Staff wont do anything I don't want police envolved he always gets arrested so it'll mean nothing. Also its a behavioral school so staff get involved physically but never do anything otherwise. Its residential and all his mates that are In my house keep bullying me too. It hurts hearing stuff about my mom and I'm now at the point I want to finish this on my own. Any ideas ?? What can I do ?? Thanks guys. Please help, I am making the judgment that it needs to be physical now as I've been telling staff and being polite to him for months. He's not scared of anything so scaring him wont work it has to be physical. I'm going to go in tomorrow and need advice. PLEASE HELP !! :(