> Desparate help needed, being bullied?

Desparate help needed, being bullied?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Take martial arts and second, the chances of you killing are him are too low. He sounds like a coward if he has to hide behind his friends. Watch the video of Casey Heynes and Richard Gale. Casey slammed the kid.

My suggestion to you is to join any martial arts you prefer but if you don't like martial arts, you could always buy weights and a treadmill for home.

Lift the weights to build your strength and do whatever body exercises you can do. Pushups, squats, pull-ups. However, use the treadmill for cardio, not for losing weight but since bigger guys tire out easier, the cardio will help you keep your stamina up. This way, you will have a muscular body except it will be more built for speed.

Walk with good posture, head up straight, shoulders back. Don't let anyone pick on you, defend yourself. If no one does something, defend yourself.

Like Kokoro said, have your parents call the police about this. Bullying is illegal and the police can step in if the school does not handle the situation. Don't try to fight him, it will only end badly for you. Do the right thing and have your parents tell the police.

have your parents call the police and have him arrested for assault or which ever other category you have an issue. then have them file a law suit on the school.

bulling is illegal, and many states now have laws against it. the school can be held liable for it as well

you are not going to learn how to defend your self from the internet, if you want to learn find a martial arts school

personally if i was in your situation and i knew i couldnt fight or had little to no experience i wouldnt try to run up on him. get a gun and tell him to leave you alone i was in a similar situation last year i ended up fighting about 3 different people and getting snuck (attacked from behind) once after that i said screw it and got a gun. threatened one of the boys and they left me alone....it worked for me. it may not work for you but its worth a try desparate situations call for desparate measures.

Hi everyine, ive been quite a victim for some time, going back too school after christmas timorrow, its my birthday today and then ive remembered im going back, long story short im at a school for kids with behavioural issies, i youst too have bad issues but have really turned it around. ive asked too leave, told the teachers done everything and the teachers do nothing, mom and dad have called the school various times and these lads wont leave me alone. i am fairly confident however fairly different, i refuse too smoke weed and whatnit and cause i dnt fit in too the "cool crew" they hate me, theyre so used too people being scared that they dont expect a response. this one boy in my class is calling me fat and throwing things at me every single day and lesson, the staff laugh along and do nothing thinking its a joke when its not, i said to stop as i dnt like it and he wont i dont do anything to this kid yet hes always hurting me, hes a little taller than me and alot skinnier however faster and has said he could knock me out no worries, ive tried everything, talking in private the lot and he just insults me more. prepare yourself because this is horrible but he even threatened too rape my mom, hes absolutely vile, the police do nothing and i have told everyone. im 16 so cant do a great deal proffessionaly, i am wondering if its right too floor him next time he does it, i cannot fight only reason is i worry about hurting them and worry about killing him (by accident) like you hear these stories of when kids fall and hit there head and die after a fight, i also get so scared i cant control it. i shake like nothing, ive decided the only way now is physical intervention im going too floor him he has loads of friends so ill catch him alone, how do i get him down punching ?? Flips ?? How ?? Really need serious help as hes bullied me majorly !! Please help

thanks x