> Daily warrior workout?

Daily warrior workout?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
If you get a good trainer and gym and go 5 days a week and let them pick your workout for you you'll be better of managing speed,flexibility,power is something to think about later no while getting into a art as it can make injuries easier if your not working out right. I've seen someone break an arm off a trow because of this. I only started working out after I got competitive if your going into a sporting art I suggest you do this. If your doing legit self defence I wouldn't have a clue.

There is a program available on line for free if you are interested. It was developed by a Chief Master Instructor in Songham TKD who worked with numerous personal fitness trainers to create a cross-fit program specifically for Martial Artists. It works for me alongside the regular class training I do in Krav Maga.


And YES, it is really free!

They provide the daily exercise schedules, with alternative choices if you have restrictions or limitations because of physical conditions. It allows you to track your progress (color "belt" ranks), and provides the circuit timing and some music if you want to use theirs. It works a 20 sec. intense burst exercise, 10 sec. rest, repeated for six rounds, for six separate exercise groups, for each workout. The exercises change daily for optimal muscle confusion training. With the way it is designed, even if you can not work out each day the exercises rotate so you will get to the ones you missed over a period of time, and there are various exercises, to work specific muscle groups on any given day, that you can select as alternative moves.

The site is detailed and self-explanatory and can be used from any web accessing device. PC, laptop, smartphone,etc. and it also provides visual examples of the exercises themselves. Some seem a little "odd" but they are highly effective.

In response to your "lifting/sparring" question...Yes you can do that, but you have to keep in mind that depending on how often and how intensely you lift, the muscle break down and fatigue can negatively affect your sparring. You will have to keep it in mind and adjust to keep your sparring up.

There are a couple of workout patterns that I have learned and it has always come down to personal preference. There is the 6 days on, 1 day off pattern. Then there is a 3 on 1 off, 2 on 1 off pattern. Depending on the type of lifting you do and how you feel on days following those workouts. Example: 3 days of heavy lifts in small rep. groups, rest 1. 2 days of lighter lifts in larger rep. groups (or other "conditioning" drills), rest 1. I personally found the 3/1 - 2/1 pattern worked best for me because I always wanted to be fight ready. At first the heavy lifts left my muscles fatigued, but after the pattern of training took over I found the time of fatigue to be lessened because of the regular conditioning training attached to the workouts.

Remember, you can train too much. It is an extreme situation, but it has developed in some professional MMA fighters. It can cause the muscle to breakdown so much that the proteins from your own muscle can begin to toxify your blood. ALWAYS include at least one rest day in your 7 day regimen. If you have the means and opportunity, consult with your physician (get a THOROUGH health check) before you start your regimen, and talk to a QUALIFIED trainer about what your plans are.

Edit: You can switch the 3/1 - 2/1 pattern of lifting to 3 conditioning and 2 heavy lifting if it feels better suited to your personal goals.

Sure, why not?

I want to train in martial arts & lift weights. I want to know how often I can train. I'd like to train everyday. I need advice, like can I do a hardcore weightlifting workout one day, then go hard in a sparring session & on the punching bag the next?