> Criticize my stance?

Criticize my stance?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You don't say what kind of weight distribution you have when doing this and that is critical in any stance and employing aspects of it effectively. Each also has its advantages as well as its disadvantages and so in some ways I have to wonder if you are looking at things too simplistically here. It seems to me that you have only begun to scratch the surface of things like weight distribution and the way you stand and position yourself and the importance of that. While that's good I would not stop here but instead consider some other aspects of all this also and how they pertain to application.

Things like front leg sweeps and defending against those as well as leg kicks to your front leg, how to draw power up from the floor for more punching power, the ability to beat your opponent to his set point, and the use of angles when attacking, and ways to force your opponent to attack and open himself up for you to counter attack and how best to accomplish that based on the way you are standing are just some of the things you need to consider also which you seem to neglect. All your various stances in karate teach you these various aspects if the training is of a high caliber. I even see aspects of some of these things applied in the cage and ring as well as have employed them myself to my advantage at times.

So I would not just relegate myself to just thinking only along the lines of what you are saying above but instead take that several steps further beyond so that you have a greater depth of knowledge and understanding about some of those other things I mention and ways you can modify your approach and actions to apply things more effectively.

I don't think you understand the bai jong as used by Bruce Lee. What you described makes no sense. If you want to use bai jong then use it but learn what it is. A lower stance does not mean you can't be taken down. To avoid take downs you have to ba able to move while lowering. If your stance makes you less mobile then I would say try something else. But if you are more mobile then go ahead and use it but don't claim it is from the bai jong.

You mean you just stand there like that? Do you move at all or just standing and hitting? Because if you do, I imagine you would be a very easy target especially for a takedown because you will still be right there when I get there. Kind of predictable. Have you actually tried this in a match and if so how did it work for you? I think this is how to figure out if something works for you or if it doesn't.

you still dont get the point of stances do you.

first off you should ever be locked into one stance. it makes you predictable. you should have at least 3 stances and 5 rhythms. if you need to ask why then you dont under stand fighting or the purpose of stances.

First of all, are you sure that you want to have this nickname? It sounds a bit strange to me at list..Lol!!. How to you expect to get a good answer with that nickname? Anyhow...Lol!!

We are not supposed to stand like statues. We are supposed to move. Stances have different purposes.

Some of them are.

1) To be used as a training tool for balance, strengthening the legs and exercising the legs in general.

2) To be used as a way to move, for example we begin in stance A, move with stance B and finish in stance C.

3) To be used in our sparring as small movements. Like for example the long stances are excellent for making a small step forward when we throw a jab.

4) To be used as applications for movements.

5) To be used as part of the applications for movements.

6) To be used for better balance according to the situation.


Many are wondering about the lower stances...When someone tries to take someone down, that someone can use a lower stance for balance. That stance does not need to be the same as the one that he/she have practiced, but he/she stills lowering. Others are wondering about the long stances. When they spar they are realizing how easier they can make these small steps when they are used to these stances. It does not need to be the same length but the ease is the same.


Have no style. FEEEELLL!!!

Please dont write question about my teacher.

Ive merged Bruce Lees stance with a 3/4 stance. So its a mix of the two.

I keep the power line, my rear heel and front toe are still on that line, but my front foot is turned in a tiny bit enough so my knee protects my groin from direct front kicks (but ot alot like bruce did), it also allows me to easily check round kicks to my right.

It allows me to fire side kicks np or teeps merged with side kicks a hybrid kick, it also allows me to throw with power from both sides since my hips are a bit more square on, it also allows for fast in and out movement.

Its also slightly lower than the JKD stance. To help protect against takedowns, develop more power in punches, and to allow more stability in a fight on the street on say concrete or a slippery surface.

What do you think of this stance?

I think it keeps all the benefits of the JKD stance adds benefits from the 3/4 stance. Its kinda like Fedors stance.