> Could I still do mma with braces?

Could I still do mma with braces?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
They do make some mouth guards that are meant for people with braces. But like if you lose your mouthguard mit fight, a guy could punch a literal hole through your cheek. It would probably rip up the inside of your mouth regardless, not to mention theres usually only top mouth guards so you bottom braces would make frequent and hard contact with the inside of you mouth and you'll be spitting up blood after a decent shot to the jaw. I had braces and I didn't even do anything close to mms and my mouth was still constantly ripped up. I have scars from the cuts in my mouth from my braces. I would think training with braces would be okay, but don't get in the ring and fight someone with your braces on.

Kajukembo is not a contact sport. There is no sport in it. It was created strictly for civilian self defense. There are no competition or competitive sports in it. You get hit and hit a lot.

He was developed in Hawaii. It was created bcause drunk military personnel were assaulting the natives. Most had no way of defending the,selves against these attacks. A group of martial artist got together and came up with a solution. They combine their martial arts styles to create something that would keep them and their students from becoming victims of these random attacks. They combined karate, judo/jujutsu, kempo, and boxing. Escrima is taught too. It can contain these and other forms of martial arts. They are encouraged to develop their own style by training in other forms of self defense and adding it to your training.

When people today talk about mma today thy are talking about a combat sport. It has rules. It has referees. It is for competing. Originally is was supposed to be about one style of martial art competing against a different style of martial art. All of this done under the premise that the rules are all inclusive so rules don't prevent you from doing things that would exclude your training style because of rules.


In boxing the rules don't allow kicks. In TKD the rules don't all throws. In wrestling the rules don't allow chokes. They create a great sport that allowed kicks, punches, throws, chokes, and joint locks. It was a great idea, but the rules still favor certain types of training. As this sport became more popular it changed. It no longer was about style vs style. It became common that its athletes would train in multiple types of training in hopes of not having certain weaknesses. In other words you will train in multiple styles of martial arts arts to prepare for fighting against people with a variety of skills. You would become a jack of all trade and a master of none. It is still a great sport IMO.

But it should not be confused with a martial art or self defense training. Can it be used in self defense? Yes. But that is not its purpose. That is not why it was created.

Also some that train in Kajukembo do not even call what they do a martial art. They call it martial science.


You can train with braces. Let the instructor know that you have them. If you have any injuries let the instructor know and your training partner.

Good luck with your training. It is my understanding that most people do not last more than a few weeks in kajukembo. The training is pretty rough. One instructor that i know and the students told us of how they have not had a test yet where someone didn't leave with something broken.

as long as you dont do actual fighting you should be fine, aka dont get hit in the face unless you dont mind paying money to keep having your braces redone every month and not to mention have them on for a lot longer than necessary. wrestling should be fine


I'm planning on getting braces soon,so I'm wondering if I can do mma with braces.Im trying to do Kajukenbo which is a contact sport (I think),will it be any harm for the braces?Im not planning on competing,but classes which involves sparring.Never done both,but planning on to get braces and do Mma