> Common self-defense situations?

Common self-defense situations?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
There are thousands of situations where you will need to use self defense, Its just how you deal with them. if someone is holding a knife to you and says give me your stuff its better to lose a phone and cash than lose your life. You should be aware of everything around you. The guy in the car going past you, the bloke following you down the alley, the woman who wants you to come back to hers. Everything poses a danger and there are so many situations in which you will need to use street smartness to avoid. Common situations a guy is trying to kidnap you, you are held hostage, someone wants your money and holds a knife or gun.

Martial arts is taught mostly as a discipline. It trains you to be aware, focused and ways of getting out of situations. On the streets there are no rules the best self defense is to shout for help or walk aware sometimes that is not an option. Be aware that weapons arent always visible such as a key through the knuckles or a stanley knife can be easily missed. Your main objective if someone is comming at you is to act on the first thing and that is disarming the weapon, dont worry about his fist or head just get the weapon out his hand. If you want to learn martial arts there are ones that teach you the specific requirments improving street fighting techniques and awareness these include: jiu jitsu, krav maga, shaolin kung fu and mma. Learn these martial arts from masters and you will become a better fighter. Its always best to increase you cardio and strength at the gym too.

You walking down the street and someone saying something rude to your gf and you telling to stop is not a self defense situation. Getting into a senseless argument can be avoided.

If someone breaks into your home while you are there and you don't have time to call the police or get a weapon. That is self defense.

If you are walking down the street and some attacks you or someone is playing that stupid knockout game and takes a swing. Then you need to use self defense.

You are out and someone pull out a knife. This is a situation where self defense can be used.

You are walking a one than one person tries to grab you or knock you down. Maybe it is to rape you or just cause you harm. You better be prepared to use self defense. A weapon may or may not be involved.

Getting into a fight is not self defense. It is assault. Someone steps on your shoes and you get mad and shove them and a fight breaks out is assault. These things that most people will claim self defense saying he/she attacked me. The law will rule it is assault on both parties.

Most situations can be avoided. Just because your ego get bruised because someone insulted your gf doesn't mean you have to respond or fight.

Common attacks are known as Habitual Acts of Violence. These are different for men and women.

Martial arts does of course train in a controlled environment, if it was un-controlled people would be going home with snapped limbs, but what does that have to do with Self Defence? Martial Arts is not self defence, and confusing one for the other is a dangerous mistake.

self defense situations are very rare

if u are taking martial arts for self defense then u are mistaken

martial arts is more of becoming one with yourself invovling 50 meditation

this is not done today so u are only fooling yourself


Here is a good course you can follow if you want to learn some self defence tecniques to protect yourself and your family http://www.goobypls.com/r/rd.asp?gid=563...


One of the most common attacks from an untrained person is throwing a haymaker, which is a wide hooking punch. Another would be a sucker-punch to the gut. If a person is a bit more skilled you may expect something like a jab followed by a quick combo.

As far as common cases of fights, well thankfully I'm good at talking people down so I don't have much personal experience in those situations, but I would say that parties, bars or any place that you get a bunch of big egos together there's bound to be some friction if something wrong is said.

You would think they would be completely useless, and its close. But the type of martial arts you are talking about is just that, its an ART. In the US is basically exists to teach kids how to be respectful and let their energy out. The tournament are like UFC fights, they don't go til someone gets knocked out, its a point based system. But a lot of the principles of martial arts is speed, like Mr. Miaji was always trying to catch that fly with his chopsticks. But lets a women is good at martial arts, she's walking down the street when a random man places his hand on her shoulder. She could grab his arm/hand and then flip him before he even knew what happened. Or like if someone comes at a guy with a knife, he would have the speed to dodge the slashes, and probably be able to grab his arm and disarm him (not rip his arm off, just take away his weapon). You lets say someone gets mugged by two people and they are kicking the crap out of him while goes on the ground, he could use his martial arts training to like sweep the legs of the attackers and boom, he's got them on the ground. So it is definitely possible. I know in my high school, they taught girls a self defense class, and we got to watch some of them show off what they learned. They had this padded up man who would taught them by playing with their hair and eventually tackling the girls, the always seemed to be able to get out of the situation by fighting back and using the attacker's momentum against them and grabbing the attacker's hand and twisting it and stuff like that. That stuff is legit self defense, martial arts is an art form.


What are some common situations where self defense is required on the street. I think martial arts trains their fighters in a controlled environment but where self-defense is actually required these skills seem almost useless especially if the person attacking has a weapon. What are some cases where someone might attack me/harass me on the street? E.g. I'm walking down the street and someone calls something rude out to my girlfriend, or my friend, family etc. I tell this person to leave us alone and he decides to attack us. This is an extremely unlikely event but what are some common cases where fights are started? e.g. bar fights

Thank you very much