> Chinese Martial Arts In Japan?

Chinese Martial Arts In Japan?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I'm not sure of why you'd want to do that. But you might want to rethink that and think about going to Okinawa to train. There you'll find the Chinese influence in arts such as Uechi Ryu but also have the benefit of being in part of Japan.

There is an outstanding Japanese teacher of Chinese Martial arts in Japan.

I'll get you his YT site this evening.

you will always find something but why go to Japan for a Chinese are? why not go to China Taiwan, or Hong Kong for a Chinese art?

why not go to china instead if seeking chinese arts? you can do side trips to japan.

try googling kungfu schools in japan.

try tokyo

I am Planning on moving to Japan once I got a little Older and one of the Main things I want to do when I get there is Learn Martial Arts. I have A Stronger Facination with Chinese Martial Arts than I do Japanese so I was just Wondering if there are any schools down there that can Teach me.

Thanks A Lot!