> Changing Muay Thai schools?

Changing Muay Thai schools?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Are you in your Muay Thai school for social purposes? If yes, you should stay. If you are into Muay Thai to learn then you must choose the best place to learn.

Beware though, the grass is not always greener on the other side and make sure the teacher at the new school is at least as good at Muay Thai as your present teacher. Just because a school advertises teaching an art, it is never a guarantee that what you will learn there is good and the skill of a teacher varies widely. Generally if a teacher teaches multiple arts he is not as good at all of them as a teacher who is focused on just one art. So be sure of your decision and engage the head before deciding and not just your emotions like a little kid in a candy shop. Nowhere in your decision do I see that you say that this other teacher is awesome or better than your present teacher which should be the greatest consideration in your choice, not quantity offering 2 martial art styles. Maybe you should also look at staying and joining a different BJJ class somewhere else. Cheaper most of the times is not better either and you should choose the best teacher/training.

If things don't work out going back is always difficult even if you are welcome to go back it is never the same as it was when you left. Having parted ways even for a few months will change things and you will not be on that same level and neither will those who you left.

...and hanging out with those from the old school when you chose to go with a new one will be awkward to say the least and you will increasingly feel left out and not part of the group anymore as things change and you are not part of that change anymore. Things don't stand still when you leave.

No martial arts so you instructor can pick a messed up girl friend for you.

I think you should stay at the Muay Thai school that you're at unless you plan on becoming a professional MMA fighter. Muay Thai is a solid fighting style, and you should stick with it for at least 5 years before you transition into another style. Many fighters today are a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none. It's better to become highly proficient in a realistic fighting system like Muay Thai before committing to another style, school, instructor, students, etc.

There is no law that says that you can't hangout with people from other gyms.

if they are real friends they will support your journey.

My dream is to become an mma fighter. Right Noei go to a muay Thai school from Tuesdays and Thursday, there's another school offering the same, except they offer bjj from Monday to Friday. I wanna leave, but everyone at the muay Thai school I go to now I consider my friend, I suck at saying goodbyes. What do I do?