> Can you learn MMA on your own?

Can you learn MMA on your own?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I can't afford to sign up at a MMA gym. Is there anyway I could learn to fight and do all this at home by myself?

Not at all. But ask yourself what is mma? Its mixed martial arts. Most mma gyms are overrated and a lot of them will reinforce bad habits as well as have poor quality teaching. So what if a pro fighter trains or owns it. He certainly didn't learn there they get paid to show up so people can brag or think the cost is all worth it.

I pay 100 dollars a month for the two arts I focus in. $50 each and my trainers are incredible. One trained boxers who went on to the Olympics and made a medal. The other runs the third best judo shop in the whole US. I pay near nothing and get to train 6 hours everyday, more if I wanted too.

If you find good instructors in martial arts you like, you can learn them for the art and adapt them to mma and develop your own style. It will make you a far more adaptable and creative fighter. Not to mention you can score some great deals like I did. mma gyms are a rip off. Even If you only find one affordable gym go train. Learning one martial art first is better anyway so you have a base to go from. Cross training with no experience is hard and can get confusing fast.

No, but you can do odd jobs so you can afford classes. I mowed lawns, cleaned houses, barns, sheds, petsat, babysat to be able to afford tuition for quite some years. It's a dirty job but if your martial means enough to you, you will do it. If you wait for a hand out, you are leaving it to chance and more than likely noone will give you a hand out.

If you make $10 an hour and your gym costs $60 a month which is about average, you will have to work 6 hours a month which is less than 1 1/2 hours a week. That is not that much and surely you can pull that off. So yes, if you put your mind to it then you can afford this and if you do it yourself it will mean a lot more to you too.

No, you can't. Learning on your own is like masturbating - in the end, you're only screwing yourself.

In order to learn properly, you need a seperate set of eyes to watch and see what you're doing right and wrong (and then help you to correct the wrong stuff), and you can only get that from an experiencd teacher.

No, you would do more harm than good. You can't actually see the mistakes you make and there is no one to correct you. After a year you will be filled with bad techniques are worse habits. And once it is in your muscle memory it is really hard to forget it. You would be almost untrainable.

depends what u want to do with it ....

if its just for pleasure and u cant afford a gym

then buy 4 place mats and put them in your basement make

sure u get your dad to supervise

if its for competition id suggest a nutritionist and coach

that knows the three aspects of fighting namely

striking art , clinch and ground art , good luk

MMA? You will need a sparring partner, don't you?

No. You need someone to hold pads, you need someone to spar with, you need someone to drill techniques, and most importantly, you need someone who knows what they're doing to teach you what to do. Otherwise, how would you know what you are doing?

Yer you can but it will not be as good or the same as class with an Instructor

No you need to have a team to guide you

Its best that you learn from an instructor.

I can't afford to sign up at a MMA gym. Is there anyway I could learn to fight and do all this at home by myself?

Anything is possible, if you set your mind to it :]