> Can you kill a person with your bare hands?

Can you kill a person with your bare hands?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
how many ways can you do that?

Some of these other answers are silly.

Yes. Some are easy, some not so much.

Through various chokes, rupturing internal organs, breaking the neck in different ways like Kubi Kudaki followed by a throat stomp for good measure, collapsing the trachea, crushing the windpipe, the "Russian Omelet", striking the base of the cerebellum. And other ways which are harder to do and I will not list.

Also one can simply beat a man to death. Bash someones head into a wall or sidewalk repeatedly, elbow the throat, stomp face into a pulp, break the jaw and continue, strike the kidneys hard enough to kill, break the xiphoid process causing death.


All of which are last resorts and only to be done when your life is in danger.

hmmm... other's are claiming 100s of ways, but I can only really three major ways to do it effectively and efficiently. I mean the three ways will likely have variations on exactly how it happens but then you are going into the realm of application not principle. But then again I try to focus on self defense that doesn't end up causing major injuries to my opponent, so I might just be lacking the knowledge.

But let me ask you that. Why would you want to learn to kill? Killing is an art for soldiers. For warriors living in a society there shouldn't be really any event where a death is the goal. If you want to stop an aggressor then there are so many effective ways to do that without killing anyone. And not killing anyone comes with moral safety, less paper work, and less potential of jail time and loss of money. So yeah why learn to kill when you can learn to stop people without killing them just as if not more effectively?

Most murderers who kill with their bare hands choke their victim. I think this is well known. Of course there are other ways.

DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME,seriously guys and gals,this is dangerous $hit.

Here's my top 15 methods for a life or death no weapons fight:

1. TEMPLE – A very susceptibile vital spot. If struck with sufficient force, may cause unconsciousness or death.

2. NASION – This is the summit of the nose. If struck with sufficient force may cause death.

3. PHILTRUM – This is the area between the upper lip and the bottom of the nose. Attack to this area may also cause unconsciousness or death.

4. HOOK TO JAW – A powerful hook punch to the front side of jaw may snap an enemy’s neck. Fatal.

5. ADAM’S APPLE – A sharp blow here may cause enemy to asphyxiate.

6. SMALL OF BACK – A very strong blow to the small of the back can cause the backbone to break.

7. TESTICLES – The strong, focused pain of a vicious low blow may cause shock, resulting in death.

8. BASE OF CEREBELLUM – A powerful blow to the nape of the neck, causing mortal damage.

9. COCCYX – A powerful blow to the tail bone. Fatal.

10. FULL NELSON – Stand behind the enemy, put your arms under his, and lock your hands behind his head. Bending the neck forward may either break neck, asphyxiate enemy, or cut of supply of spinal fluid to brain, causing brain damage or death.

11. HALF NELSON – Again, standing behind enemy, but one arm is used to pin one of enemy’s arms.

12. BRAIN BUSTER – Bend enemy over towards you, placing him in a headlock. Grab the back of his belt, and haul him into the air, vertical, upside-down. Allow yourself to fall backward, landing on your enemy’s head, which will absorb your combined weight. Most effective on concrete or gravel.

13. RUSSIAN OMELET – Cross enemy’s legs. Fold enemy by pinning his shoulders to ground upside-down and placing his legs above him. Sit on his legs, folding the bass of the spine. Fatal.

14. HEART PUNCH – A strongman’s attack, it is simply a powerful blow to the heart. (Many years ago, the wrestler Ox killed an opposing wrestler with this attack.)

15. UPPERCUT – An upward strike to the bottom of the jaw with the heel of the hand, causing the enemy’s head to snap backward. May shatter vertabrae. Fatal.

a million ways to kill a man with my bare hands

Yes I can.

And I have.

I don't want to talk about this anymore.

yes you can do it in much different ways

To Erwin,

can u do it without be find out by police?

so easy, there are like 100+ ways how

if you know judo karate you can.

how many ways can you do that?