> Can wsmeone list some unarmed fighting techniques?

Can wsmeone list some unarmed fighting techniques?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Can you list some unarmed combat techniques.

My brother knows which one is deadly cause his friends called the cops because I was doing bolley kicks at the park in Oakland.

Sure I could list a ton of them. And you probably already know a bunch of them.

At the most basic level we have strikes and blocks and of course movement. From there we get more specific with punches, kicks, open handed techniques, grabs, elbow strikes, knee strikes, etc.

I could go on and tell you about combinations, etc. But it really won't do you very good unless you train and train and train and do it under a really good instructor.

It's like the old saying that you can't learn karate from reading a book. I'll add that you can't learn it by being on the Internet either. Now I will say that reading as much as you can and asking good questions will help once you get the basics down.

Can you list some unarmed combat techniques.