> Can someone identify a kick?

Can someone identify a kick?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I think the first kick you're describing is a taekwondo 540 kick. Look that up on YouTube and you'll find plenty of examples. You can also look up the taekwondo tornado kick which is also pretty flash, just not as flashy. That Matrix kick is just a jumping/flying front kick, but he was on wires so it looks exaggerated. Good luck with your movie - tell us the name so we can keep an eye out for it.

video = sloppy jumping double front kick

the one you may be looking for (since the matirx uses kung fu and you are referencing that) -

Spinning tiger tail with a jumping spinning crescent kick < Looks cool ...


Spinning tiger tail with a spinning inner round kick


a Spinning inner round followed by a jumping spinning crescent kick


a Spinning outer round followed by a spinning inner round kick


A spinning inner round followed by a spinning outer round < most common and easiest

OR the reverse of the above but equally as common and easy

A spinning outer round followed by a spinning inner round

er ... there are a few :/

Windmill kick

its a flying front kick, the video one anyway

The video is not a flying front kick. In a flying front kick the leg not kicking is tucked under not hanging waaaay out there. It is closer maybe to a jumping double kick but the first leg coming up is really not high enough to qualify for that either. I'd say it's a movie kick and technically not really a martial arts kick.

You can combine any kicks. You can do a spinning hook kick keep spinning and then throw any other kick. From the flow I would probably go with roundhouse or side kick for the second kick. Hard to tell though what you mean without a video.

I am producing a film that we are having auditions for, and I want to ask some stunt double candidates to demonstrate some moves that I want to put in the film. I want to know what to call a kick so I can ask them to demonstrate at the audition.

The kick is kind of a spinning hook kick where they keep spinning and jump and deliver a second kick on the second spin. I have seen it in a couple of movies.

Another kick I am looking for is one where the person jumps and kicks forward. I found it in the matrix. here is a youtube link:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDhLXkRhg60 It happens 1 minute in (slow motion shot).
