> Can someone be paid for being a ninja?

Can someone be paid for being a ninja?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Liondancer did indeed give you a good answer.

As for being a real so called ninja:

No. No martial in the world teaches the art of assassination, espionage, etc anymore. Even if you learned Ninjutsu from a respectable teacher, you will not learn such things 99% of the time. There is only one purported living ninja left and he has taken very little students and he keeps quiet about what he does.

Notice I said "purported". Perhaps he is a ninja, more likely he is not. Who knows?

As for assassination jobs that are "ninja-ish". As in legal terms and not being a 1 per-center, there are supposedly some government jobs that do such things, but the chances of you being able to do such things is like 1 in a billion.

The days of the true ninja are long gone.

You mean like a model ninja? Yeah, the local art school sometimes hires models for the art students who want to do anime stuff. Then you sit there and pose as a ninja for a few hours. It's hard work. The lights are hot and you have to hold your pose for 15 minutes at a time and can't move. It's harder than you think and the pay, well lets put it this way, sucks and you only work maybe once a year unless you want to wear a different costume and model that for them.

Yes, I have met several modern day ninjas in my office who are paid pretty damn well. They are experts at keeping low profile, evading work and responsibility while having the uncanny ability to stab you in the back when you least expect it.

Liondancer gave you one answer.

The other option is if you mean "real" ninja, the answer is yes in theory, but you're not likely to find many folks looking for a martial arts assassin.

So my suggestion is to learn more about what you're asking as there aren't "real" ninjas anymore. And if there are, do you think they'd be easy to find via Yahoo Answers?

This looks like a job for the expendables.

OMG LOL @ Z - thats the best answer right there haha.