> Can muay thai help me in a street fight?

Can muay thai help me in a street fight?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I'm glad so many people are interested in martial arts, but this stuff about if I train X,Y,Z will I be able to win a street fight has got to stop. To answer your question, it's sort of a yes. If you train several times per week for a year, yeah you can probably beat someone up if they're your size and have no idea what they're doing. Of course, they could catch you with a luck one, knock you out and kick you in your head while you're unconscious. Train if you like it & it helps your confidence, but notice the demeanor of the other guys in the gym. The guys that are really good are super calm and would never start up with someone. They don't need the bravado and they don't care if you think they're tough, they KNOW they can handle themselves and they know someone else is tougher. It sounds like you're asking if you should train martial arts for a couple years, get decent at it so you can stop someone from talking trash and then shut them up once and for all. Do you really want to train for a year or years--again, with regularity--in order to shut one person up. I'm guessing no.

Not so much as the art helping you, cause yes, yes it can.

It's you helping yourself. Can YOU help yourself in a street fight.

Your art is only what you make it out to be. It can win you fights if you use it correctly... and lose them. All it takes is one good shot...

Or lose them 95% of the time bc you use your art wrong, or you were trained wrong.

You say you attend a prestigious school. So what do you think? Is it wise to fight him? If you are over 18 such things can land you in jail.

Why not settle things in the cage under rules?

I want to be able to protect myself. In a one on one scenario. This school teaches muay thai and BJJ and is considered one of the best in canada. (Ufc fighter TJ Grant trained there) plus there is this really scroney kid that likes to start beef with everybody. (Tried to pick a fight with a good friend of mine)