> Can i become famous by doing Martial Arts?

Can i become famous by doing Martial Arts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
In my opinion, the only way to become a famous martial artist is by being the best martial artist. Travel the world showing everyone how great of a martial artist you are. Do not lose a single fight (once you start traveling). Become such an amazing martial artist that people will recognize it and remember it.

XD You are far from great. You are probably mediocre. If you think we'll tell you you are great then you lived a very protected life. Every one is average in their own way and nobody is "special".

You want to be great? Train. Whatever your passion is train in it. Train, train, train, and train. Train in it, research about it, and dream about it. You dedicate that much of your life and soul and you will become great.

You want to be famous. That is related but a completely a different thing. There is a Japanese master smith that creates amazing katanas and he is great! But do you know his name or who he is? Nope, neither do I. Do you know most of the Olympian's names? Nope, neither do I. Being famous is different from being great. Being great is dedication and practice to the skill sets that define it. Being famous is mostly marketing, luck, and timing. I mean look at the Kardashians. They are definitely famous, but they are no where as great as the master smith that we were talking about.

The best way is start out with a wrestling background, then learn some striking, and jui-jit-su and you'll be all set!

Greatness is extremely subjective. What is great?

What Handsel said, or you can get into movie fight choreography.

If so how

i ask myself everyday

"How do i become great"

U guys would probly say "theres no need u are great"

But thats not what i mean

I live once,i should make the best of it!