> Can certain training in martial arts stunt your growth?

Can certain training in martial arts stunt your growth?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Growth is influenced by several things. Your gene decides what is your maximum potential, but just because you have the genetic potential to be 6'2" does not mean it is guaranteed. If you don't eat right, exercise PROPERLY, and get enough sleep, all this will prevent you from reaching your potential maximum height.

If you train improperly, it will affect your health and not just your growth. If you don't get 8 hours of sleep, your body cannot repair damages and grow your bones, organs, and muscle tissues; sleep is when most of your growth and healing is done. If you exercise the same muscle group everyday, you lose muscle because muscles need at least 2 nights sleep to recover. If you subject you hands to constant abuse and injuries without giving it proper treatment and time to heal, it will not heal

If you don't eat right and therefore do not give your body what it needs to heal and build bones and muscles, it will not grow - you cannot build something from nothing.

Moral of the story - eat right, don't over train, and get 8 hours sleep at night.

God I hate board breaking. But I won't get into that right now.

No, it can't. Growth is mainly genetics.

I'm 14 now and i've been doing some Kung Fu. Is it bad at my age to be doing to much hard conditioning like hitting your forearms against someone elses and holding low stances for long periods of time? I was wondering if doing any of this type of training or any kind of tough training or jumping that puts any pressure on your bones can be bad for your growth when still young.