> Can being a ninja be a full time job?

Can being a ninja be a full time job?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
If yes, then can you tell me is there are any academys? (in Poland)

It's my dream to be a full time ninja!

And I will try my best to make it happen!


Even if you are a practitioner of "good" ninjutsu (which is hard to find, thanks to hollywood), that will NOT make you a ninja. I have been doing various ninjutsu for 10 yrs. I hate being called a ninja. Bc I am not. I am a martial artist.

As for poland:



As I say all the time, beware of mc-dojos. They will do you wrong in a heart beat. Ninjutsu has become a greatly tarnished martial art. I suggest you do your research to the letter before making a decision.

Of course you can. But there is no such thing as a famous ninja. Kind of defeats the point. There are rumors off a training facility for ninjas and assassins. It's only spoken about in hush tones around the world. However I don't think you can send in your resume to them.

If you want I can give you the information I do have. However it seems to have slipped my mind. Maybe you can jog my memory?

How about I give you my bank number and you insert 5000$ and I'll see what I can do. Fair enough?

I haven't met any ninja, either I have heard of any one in the 21st century. I have seen and heard of many to train in Ninjutsu styles though, not only indoors but also in forests and in parks and in other places outdoors, that were getting the satisfaction of this type of training. If you like training in Ninjutsu you can. But Ninja as a job description to do what? Perhaps modeling for magazines as a Ninja model, or teaching Ninjutsu???

Yes! There are help wanted ads every week out in papers and the internet. But it may not be exactly what you were thinking when you meet the guy "hiring" face to face.

Matters if you're a turtle or not

There ar no nija living today. There are no jobs for them. There are people that study ninjitsu

This is right up akbans alley

Not really and it can be tough to be a samuria.

If yes, then can you tell me is there are any academys? (in Poland)

It's my dream to be a full time ninja!

And I will try my best to make it happen!