> Can a round house kick break a rib?

Can a round house kick break a rib?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
i am 130 pounds in pretty good shape, and if i roundhouse kick someone 150 pound, will it break his ribs or get him winded?

It could easily break a rib if done correctly and he didn't move away from it. If you would like to get a feel, pine boards are a similar difficulty to break as a rib.

Indeed it can. I cracked an opponents ribs with one once. Just take a look at this:

So it is easy to break ribs if you know what you are doing but if you don't hit at the right angle the person will move with the kick.

As for ribs having the same feel as pine boards, not so. Ribs are made of Calcium Phosphate crystals with collagen fibers inside. If you want to know what it takes to break a rib go to the store and buy pork ribs and try to break that. There is one angle that they break really easy

That would depend on a variety of factors. I'm assuming that by "in good shape" you mean that you have received a decent amount of martial arts training (not just working out). Also, it would depend on how your opponent was standing. If their weight was shifted towards you, then breakage would be far more likely. If their weight was shifted backwards you would probably just knock them back a bit. Also, it would depend on what part of the rib you hit and which rib you hit.

In summary, it's possible, but difficult to predict just from the information given.

Yes, it's a dangerous thing to do.

yes muay thai kick can break rib and bat



i am 130 pounds in pretty good shape, and if i roundhouse kick someone 150 pound, will it break his ribs or get him winded?