> Can a really skilled sword man beat 10 guys?

Can a really skilled sword man beat 10 guys?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
1. If they have brute weapon and experience. They may well work together. A thug pepper spraying the guy while the other one slams the bat behind the swordsman is not an impossibility. In fact during the Meiji Restoration, modernised Japanese police are known to disarm very capable and armed samurai who refuse to abandon the sword, with a net and some makeshift tools, if they work together efficiently as a team.

2. Will the swordsman cut all of them down or will they grab him once he injures the fool of the group? It depends on range.

3. Does AK-47 or Uzi 9mm, Beretta 92 count as a lethal weapon? Or just throw a brick from a tall building. It doesn't take skills and rocket science to hurt someone.

4. When people get to the point of trying to 'kill' someone in despair...it gets very unpredictable, especially if the same intent is reflected in the swordsman too. No way to know who wins.

While smaller numbers are known to be successful at delaying advances of a proper army, there's little wars where the smaller numbers actually won without any Pyrrhic sacrifices or compromises at the end.

Let's stop predicting real life on internet.

I don't know why I'm answering this question but I will.

1 Swordsman 90% only the guy with a long range weapon has a chance. But is not likely to attack because they don't want to lose a head or limb

2 Swordsman 99.8% long rang weapon vs unarmed Odds in favor of skilled guy with weapon

3 Swordsman 98% skilled fighter against those without skill. Skilled fighter wins. Only chabnce is the one with a long range weapon.

4 Swordsman 99.98% skilled fighter with long range weapon against unskilled fighters that are unarmed. Somebody might get lucky but it is very doubtful.

I wouldn't really call myself skilled but..

"1.thugs with experience in using bat knife and other brute weapon"

Of the four this is what I would have the most trouble with. These types will know that sometimes you just have to trade blows. Thrusting techniques are out of the question as they will probably coordinate. I would want to utilize the environment to my advantage and make sure not to commit unless I have an escape path for my followthrough/zanshin. Of course that escape path can be through more than one guy which they may not expect.

The more they fear my reach the greater my chance of success but my chances would plummet greatly if they were to go for me with no regard for their life. They could easily cut me and mess up an important tendon. I'm less scared of the thrown knives as they're probably less likely to destroy my mobility.

I would say about 99%, after getting cut once my chances drop to about 80% if it's my upper body or 40% if it's my lower body. A second good cut on my lower body and I'd almost be dead for sure.

"2.thugs who knows martial arts but are not skilled with sword "

I would assume thug martial artists study in gyms and are more accustomed to dueling than battlefield awareness. Their training would actually work against them giving them tunnel vision. I should be able to make short work of them exploiting that fact to set up safe followthroughs.

Around 70% here.

"3.thugs who don't know how to fight but have other lethal weapons like knife and rods "

Like situation 1 more I get cut the less chance I have of victory.. But come on.. they're not fighters! They'll likely cower before the blade.. After one kill to affirm it's deadliness they would likely flee not wanting to die.


"4.unarmed thugs trying to kill the swordsman"

Cutting, using their bodies to slow their advance, followthrough, battlefield awareness...


Assuming the 'skilled swordman'' is using his sword to fight here are my thoughts:

1. 80 %, the swordsman will at least get some cuts.

2.100%, assuming the martial arts guys are not using any of that ninja chain tools.

3.80%, this is similar to scenario 1.

4. 100%, they are unarmed and have not skills, plain and simple.

A wise warrior knows when to retreat. But if the thugs are idiots and don' t attack at the same time, then they are dead.

Depends on if the swordsman has an AR-15 or not

With a sword he'll die every time

Read the taiheikei and the art of war.

There are plent of battles with one vs ten, with various weapons

Middleage sword knight using some sort of berserk ,then

1-he loses ,

2-he win easily 99% ,only 1% probability of his lose if he carry the sword heavily

3-he win easily but with less

4-wtf are you kidding

Katana sword

he dice in all ROUNDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Depends. In movies or in real life? In movies he could take on 100 men. In real life no. He would probably in every scenario. 10 men is a soccer team. I don't think people quite understand how much 10 men is, with or without a weapon.

1. he loses

2. he wins

3. he wins

4. he wins

Which one he will be able to beat,tell me in percentage or scenario ?

1.thugs with experience in using bat knife and other brute weapon

2.thugs who knows martial arts but are not skilled with sword

3.thugs who don't know how to fight but have other lethal weapons like knife and rods

4.unarmed thugs trying to kill the swordsman

1) almost 0% chance of winning. Even if he is skilled, he is waaaaay outnumbered. and they're experienced.

2) unless the "thugs" don't team up, I think they can knock the victim unconscious or snitch his sword away. But the sword man has a deadly weapon, so I guess he has about 30% chance of winning

3) If they don't know how to fight, it'd be easier to kill the "thugs" one by one, but the sword man will definitely get injured. If the "thugs" are lucky, perhaps they can stab the victim in the heart. so 50-70% chance of winning

4) this depends on the environment. Let's say they're in the streets. The sword man has a deadly weapon, so he most likely will be able to kill them all if the "thugs" has nothing but their bare hands. But if they were on top of the mountain let's say, well maybe half of the thugs can lure the sword man at the edge of the mountain and the other half push him down. but I supposed he has about 80-90% of winning

if u a samurai u can cut a human body like u cutting a cheese cake

"Live by the sword, die by the sword"
