> Can a martial art lesson be drawn from this?

Can a martial art lesson be drawn from this?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
If so, what would you make of it? Would you teach it?


I don't get one from the singing although Hezekiah Walker is one of my favorite artist.

The lesson to be learned is awareness. You need to be aware to prevent things like this from happening. Being aware can be the difference in being a witness or victorious and being a victim.


I recall the military using similar tactics. Maybe that is where he got this. They piped in Rock N Roll...I still will never teach this as a tactic.

The martial arts lesson is Fighting Without Fighting. He defeated the opponent in the mind and the spirit.

Yes, I would teach this, but, I probably won't because I'll probably forget about it by tomorrow. I hope I don't.

yes he was lucky but there is one vital lesson, most criminals do not want attention and if he was singing loud enough someone might have heard him. Some will say that they might have killed him for making noise but once they took him to where ever they wanted to take him what do you think they would have done with him there?

the lesson would be draw all the attention you can when people are still around

I would not be teaching that as a technique per se, but I do teach the principal all the time: Making yourself more trouble than it's worth. Basically that's what it comes down to. I mean I'm a 5'6" 130 lbs woman. Realistically speaking, I'm probably not going to be able to really do a one on one fight with most attackers and expect to beat him decisively. No matter what martial art I take, no matter how good the teacher is, or how long I spend training in it. That's just reality.

That's why arts like MMA suck for me. They're good for some people, I suppose, but a style that trains your mind and your body to go for the knockout on someone who weighs the same, isn't good for me in a self defense situation, because that's just not going to happen.

So the focus on my training should be escape. And a lot of times, that escape depends on making yourself more trouble than it's worth. If I scream and the bad guy runs away, then I successfully defended myself. Sure it doesn't look as good as a knockout and I probably won't be getting internet attention for it, but hey, I get away with my life. If I punch him in the face, and he decides that I'm just going to be a problem, and lets me go, that's all good too.

I have to go with no. That goes against everything I know or have been taught about self defense and surviving that type of situation.

I would have to agree, he got very lucky and had a guardian angel with him that day. Most would have just gagged him and shoved him in a trunk, or just flat out decided that he wasn't worth the headache and killed him. No I wouldn't recommend that as an escape or survival strategy.

i think i agree with shaeek he is lucky, it could have easily gotten worst for the kid.

but also at the same time you never know what is going to work and not work until you try.

it reminds me of one of my friends he was very religious and in his early 70's at the time. these kids were harassing him, and we were a few blocks a way, by the time we got there he had his bible out and was literally running after the kids preaching to them. now the only thing we had to decide was do we stay with his wife or save those poor kids from him. after all it was 3 to 1 and those poor kids never stood a chance.

when you do things like this it needs to be sincere

He was lucky he wasnt killed or gagged. It worked for him but 99% of time this would have ended worse.

If so, what would you make of it? Would you teach it?
