> Can I teach tae kwon do to my girlfriend?

Can I teach tae kwon do to my girlfriend?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Ask your master. I never teach anyone anything unless I have my masters permission. I'm a 1st Dan and I teach at the dojang I go to but only if asked to and only under a master or grandmasters supervision. Look at it this way, if you teach her without his consent then it is like giving away his secrets and he gets nothing out of it. Yes everything you are asking if you should do is something that is needed to be a martial artist! Poomsae teach control and patience. Push-ups and sit-ups you just do 20 or so each time maybe less to start and work your way up further and further. Also why don't you just enroll her into your school or is that out of her range too? if she really wants to learn and your master is a good person (which he sounds like he is) they should be able to figure out a payment plan :)

We have answered your question before. You are not a qualified instructor. She need a qualified instructor if she want to be taught right, It doesn't matter if you even had your 1st black belt you still would not be qualified to teach.

It doesn't matter if you have power like a tank. It doesn't matter if she does aerobics, basketball, run, or hockey. The fact that this question is being repeatedly asked is enough to say that you lack the qualifications to teach.

Hopefully if this question is asked again it will be reported as trolling and otherwise ignored.

Normally when I see a question like this I would think this is a made up story and someone is trolling. But I do think you may have studied some tkd. But even if you have studied TKD and you instructor came from Korea that doesn't mean the school isn't a mcdojang. We don't know if your school is good or not. I can only assume that you are young based upon your other questions and responses. If you want her to be albe to defend herself she need a qualified instructor. Other than that it is a waste of time and likely money

I believe asking the same question over and over put a person in violation of this community forum.



Why are you asking this again? Also does she want to study? If not, give it up. If so, then think about the answers you got. Forget about the personal attacks, and look at both the things you agree with and especially the constructive criticism that you might not like.

After that, keep in mind that teaching those close to us (e.g. children, siblings, spouses, significant others, etc) is very hard. It's why doctors and lawyers don't serve those who are close to them.

My suggestion is that if she's really wanting to learn that you think about what makes sense. Not just for your own ego, but for her, and for your relationship. Then, if you really want to teach her, and she wants you to, then and only then should you get permission from your teacher.

After that you have a few options.

Maybe start informally. Or you could set aside an hour and do it more like a private class.

In any case, as others have said, only you and your teacher (and girlfriend) what will work best.

Oh and just and FYI, in Uechi we have folks "teach" from very early ranks. By that I mean that in our classes we have a more "senior" student work with a less senior one. We also have all students critique each other so they can see. This way students learn to teach as rank isn't an indicator of how good a teacher you are. Rather it's what you know, what you see, and how you help others to learn. So also keep that in mind as I think many styles don't do what we do and hence create black belts that aren't good at teaching what they've learned.

There is a tradition in martial arts that you can only promote someone to up to two ranks below your own. This is due to the watering down effect of all teaching, in any subject. Students rarely learn everything their instructor is trying to teach them. So, be aware that the teaching you provide will be less effective than that provided by a higher rank. The extra care and compassion you will undoubtedly show your girlfriend will partly compensate for your lesser knowledge. You will probably teach a greater percentage of your own knowledge. Good luck. Hopefully, she will, at some time, find the means to join your school.

If money is an issue, see if she can go to a community center or find someone who teaches out of a church for free.

If you think that you are ready to teach but just lack the actual rank, ask you teacher what he or she thinks about this. Ask him if he thinks you are qualified to teach her. He knows your ability better than we do.

Seriously? Again?

Why don't you just tell us what kind of answer you are looking for here? Had I asked his question what would have you told me?

why dont you ask your instructor why are you asking us. even a first degree is not an instructor, a third degree black belt is or rather is eligible to be an instructor. there is more to being an instructor then just your rank

Its better to protect or proteth her with your zath boxing techniques.


My girlfriend used to do Tae Kwon Do at Victory martial arts but not for long, she thinks they ripped her off. Unlike her I learned Tae Kwon Do from a legit non-chain dojang. My master was born and raised in South Korea, became a master in Tae Kwon Do over there, moved to where I live now and is teaching Tae Kwon Do. I have been doing TKD for 5 years and am one belt away from my black belt. My master tells me I have power like a tank and that I move effortlessly and fast in sparring class. I want to really teach my girlfriend because she's my angel and I would hate to know she got hurt while she was somewhere. so how can I teach her Tae Kwon Do? I can teach her the kicks, punches, blocks, and self-defense but how do I organize conditioning, push up drills, sit up drills etc? Would it be necessary to teach her poomsae? By the way she does aerobics regularly so should she be in good shape to learn? Thanks a lot for the advice, I appreciate it!