> Can I become a ninja?

Can I become a ninja?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Just curious, also, are they real? If not, can I become a stealthy/flexible warrior? When I have kids one day, I want them to know, "My mother is a ninja."

Lol, though I am proud to be a practitioner of the AKBAN, no that will not make you a ninja, and true ninjutsu as in stealth, espionage, warfare, and assassination as they did in feudal Japan is long gone.

Being a practitioner of Ninjutsu does NOT make you a ninja either. I've been doing various ninjutsu for over 10 yrs. I do not like being called a ninja.

As for the art of Ninjutsu:

It's a very tainted art that has gained a bad reputation. A large majority of the bujinkan is a fraud and doesn't train to fight. Sad but true.

Another problem is that it "sold out". Back in the 60s and 70s and before hand, it was still a very hard and demanding martial art. It had endless repetition, hardcore training, and application of violent technique. It was demanding and a-lot of people couldn't handle it so it did not sell and Hatsumi was losing money.

So... along came Stephen and watered it down to the "friendly" art it is today.

Then came hollywood and the ninja boom! The ninja gained a-lot of hype and popularity so the art used this hype to gain newcomers for profit.

And things went downhill from there.

Finding a good school is hard. And no amount of training will make you a ninja. Most schools don't even go over the 18 schools anymore.

If you are interested or need further info, email me. I'll be happy to reply.



I don't know about the ninja bit, but you ask:

Can I become a stealthy/flexible warrior?

Yeah, it's possible. There's this wacky martial art called Capoeira where the practitioners are required to be immensely flexible to be any good at their art.

I don't practice it myself, but my girlfriend does. She can do the splits whilst using one hand to handstand, which is pretty ******* impressive.

I can't remember, but there are apparently two forms of Capoeira where one's more fast and explosive and the other's more stealthy and slow. The stealthy and slow version may appeal to you.


There are no more ninja. Just like there are no more Sumarai. It died out when feudal Japan ended. There was no nee for either of them any more.

There are those that study ninjitsu, ninjutsu or some variation of them. Some of them may call hemselves ninja. But they are not going on mission for hire for member of the government, Sumaria, Emperor, or other members of the high class system as it doesn't exist anymore.

Not the type your thinking of. The closest thing out there would be to train in ninjitsu I guess.


1) It takes about 12 years to merely become efficient in your chosen ninjitsu art (I would recommend AKBAN)

2)It costs alot of money to constantly train and have to buy new gi, equipment,weapons and so on.

3)Good instructors are really hard to find for the aspect of martial arts you would be looking at.

4)You have to sacrifice many things,social life,time, sleep.

5)It takes blood,sweat and tears,and above all,determination.

So good luck to you,but consider whether your reasons for doing this will stop you from giving up after a year or two. Oh and real martial artists don't tell everyone what they are,tell people and they'll want to test you.

Certainly would be fun. When I was a kid, I would have loved to think my mom is a Kunoichi (female ninja).

You, probably won't, not can't, but probably won't ever be a real Kunoichi who can't live out an open life with normal families and relationships, but it's fun to learn about them, you can at least learn to defend yourself and use weapons to keep ninja knowledge techniques alive.

And becoming super flexible would be good for you and others.

I'm a ninja.

Akban will hook u up, real life ninja right there

Ninjas didn't actually do alot of fighting, when you fight with weapons someone will die almost every time, those are pretty bad odds, thats why they didn't often fight, they held espionage and many of the other 18 apsects in higher regard because they required more intellect to preform

If you can find a ninjutsu school that teaches complete ninjutsu sure why nit be a ninja, you probably wont make a living out of it though

Being a ninjas not really that big a deal.

Ninjas are real..and it is possible for your kids to one day say: "My mother is a ninja."

Just curious, also, are they real? If not, can I become a stealthy/flexible warrior? When I have kids one day, I want them to know, "My mother is a ninja."

Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything. So go for it, think Ninja!!

Oh man im going to lose my secret decoder ring for letting you in on the secret, but its all in this video, just dont let anyone else know