> Bully, 10 years older. high rep?

Bully, 10 years older. high rep?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 

already to the cops?, then if you can convince the pigs, they might mark his card, and he wont be able to as much as sneeze on you, especially if it was a court order

You could also try scaring him, If you have a car you could fake to knock him over in the street, or maybe gang up on him when he is alone, bullies use their behaviour when they are in freindly company and feel safe, take them out of that zone, like on their own, and threaten them especially if you out number him, and they usually back down

Imo one thing is for sure Bullying is not something I would take liely if f**** with peoples mind and phychosis, remember Columbine?, that's how dangerous bullying can be

So one way or another you need to do something about it, my first move would be to inform the police and tell them this is a serious issue

and best of luck

I have done martial arts, mauy Thai mma.. The works for years.. Dropped it a while ago. Was good too, but nothing compared to this guy. A whole new level, a street fighter. ha i would if I could.. It's an idea.

Just over it.

How about learn MMA or any other martial art.

....Threaten to call the cops? Or actually CALL the cops? I know everyone wants to pretend they live in this fantasy world where every issue should be solved with a street fight, but this is so stupid. Next time he gets in your face tell him "Leave it alone or I'm calling the police." Yeah, people will call you a coward and whatnot but since you're a grownass man that shouldn't be an issue.

okay, snipers are an option. try MMA ( mix martial arts ) or that one where you learn to throw the guy over you. also do a tactical retreat and use stratergising like putting sleep drugs in his drink before a fight. or sabotage so he gets in trouble with cops and you barely lift a finger

These other guys answering your question make me laugh. Anyway, martial arts is not something to be learned so you can plan an attack. The ideology of martial arts will always be clean and to restore peace. It is not something to be learned to gain advantage through violence. No. Let me explain further..

This may sound funny but the best defense is to run. Avoid to fight at any way possible. Negotiate, act like adults. Talk to him. Tell him what he wants to hear. That he is right and you are sorry. Just to end things. If he still continues to bully you. Speak to your local sheriff or call a lawyer. That is how civilized men deal with things.

Question is... when the hell do we use martial arts?

Simple, after everything you have tried to make truce with him, and he still comes on to you, you run. If he chases you, you're up in the corner and there is nowhere to go. That is the only time you can use martial arts! It's crazy I know but that is how masters teach their pupils. To use their fists as the last resort.

Hey all, this is the go... I'm 20yo. and was dating a girl around 6months ago.. Ended bad, and her brother.. Around 30yo and a super high rep of being a killer street fights. His boys are all drugos and all are in the scene of fighting and just having the reputation of being "staunch" connections with the bikes bla bla bla.. Any way, I had trouble with this bloke a while ago.. Wanted to blue me, I let things blow over and haven't really heard from him. Tonight I went out, and he pulled me out in front of everyone in the club. I'm a popular guy.. Lots of mates but non like him, or his mates

it was a massive deal, and it's just going to keep happening if i do nothing about it. He is renowned to the police, tats all up him. and a roid muncher.

Myself, I'm short but really strong, and into the bodybuilding scene, so not small in stature. But wouldn't help me at all. I have been in a few fights, won but they were all even in a way

This guy scares the **** out of me, just an agro machine. I'm sick of going out, and having to watch my back. And now everyone is going to know I bitched it tonight, and word will get around.

I haven't explained myself very well on here.. But my question is, what do I do? Keep running. Or stand up, and go for it.. Pull him out, tell him to sort it out. I know he will win, he is just a fighter. My mates and friends all say they have my back. But in the end, it's just me and him.

I was embarrassed tonight, and it just keeps on happening. Whatdoido