> Bruising the bone?

Bruising the bone?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
you would have been better off with a break then a bruised bone. a deeply bruised bone can take much longer to heal then a clean broken one

there is not much you can do for it, you can try dit da jow but i dont think it will help much

Haven't you heard? Time heals all wounds.

(sorry for that plug)

But yes in the end, it is time that will heal it. Ice and/or ibuprophin (or a similar NSAID) can reduce the swelling, which in turn may prevent aches further up or down the arm. Doctors will even suggest using warm packs or alternating warm and cold packs, depending on how long it's been since your injury.

I would stay away from any ointments, they will not help you here. They are mostly topical, and deaden the pain topically, but they do not get into the bone. Also, by deadening/masking the pain, they do not heal. When you feel less or no pain, that can encourage you to prematurely exercise the elbow, exacerbating the injury that's already there. For this reason, using pain killers like acetominaphen will also not be your best bet.

Painful, deep bruising is something that could take month to heal and unfortunately any training you do will just further injure the area. Even after it feels like it has healed it will still have lots of healing to do and will be sore if used and this will set you back even longer. Spend your time resting up and ice it regularly.

It's too late for dit da jow. At this point, ice or hot patches and the like to relieve the pain and rest to allow it to heal. There are no secrets to speed healing. They only exist in video games.

That sounds painful. As mentioned, give it time.

It doesnt matter you need to drink lots of green tea.

I recently had a competition fight. During the 3rd round, I threw a roundhouse to the guys head, but my setup was bad, he caught it, and leg sweeped me. I landed very hard on my left elbow and bruised the bone.

It's been hurting for almost 3 weeks now and it has become an annoyance, bc it hinders my real training. I can still teach, but I can't do heavy bag work or heavy sparring.

Do any of you know of any remedies, medicines, secrets, etc, that may help with the healing process? Would those Icy Hot patches work?

Thanks in advance!