> Bruce Lee: stand toe-to-toe with him?

Bruce Lee: stand toe-to-toe with him?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
In the scene you describe it was the format of the competition they were taking part in to start each match that way. John Saxon started his match against "Bolo" Yeung the same way, as did Jim Kelly against his Asian opponent.

Me personally, if faced with Bruce Lee, in any type of physical confrontation, I would simply bow and call him "Master". If given no option but to fight him I would use every trick I knew (no dirty tactics) to stay in the fight and hope he didn't do too much damage. Bruce was 5' 7" tall and weighed (depending on which source you use) 135lbs (140lbs). I am 5' 7" tall and weigh 150lbs, with all the training and experience I do have I could only hope to be even half the Martial Artist that Master Lee was.

There is a saying I use to describe the level of Martial skill endowed in Master Lee..."Never before, never since."

Well.... Mind that I'm old and creaky.

But.... Many years ago, I took fencing lessons. I had really just started, and had learned a couple of basic attacks and parries. The guy who ran the school put me up against his top pupil, a guy who was winning local competitions and who'd go on to national-level.

It was interesting. It was like you simply couldn't do anything. You'd assume the stance, the instructor would say, "fence!", and you'd get hit. Bing-bang-bom. Nothing you could do.

I imagine it would be a lot like that for most people.

(Six months later I could fence with the guy. Not win, mind you, but at least put up a defense....)

I agree with Riley and BBQpit... Why would i want to stand up to Bruce Lee where his strengths lie? For me i would hit the ground so fast, make him chase me at my strengths.

Uh no, that's Bruce's domain. That'd be like asking if I would agree to try to out punch Mike Tyson.

Id lay on my back like some judo guy before me did when he verused lee.

Bruce Lee fans,

Firstly, I am a huge fan of the late, great iconic Bruce Lee!

....one question,


In the iconic scene where actor Robert Wall stands opposite Bruce Lee, touching wrists to engage in a fight, ...we all witnessed Lee's impeccable speed!

Q 1. Would you try your 'proverbial hand' by standing toe-to-toe, against Bruce Lee in this scene?

~ If Yes, how would you attempt to 'out-speed' Lee? 'out-technique Lee?

~ If No, why? (....lol!)

source: Lee fan and plain ol' curiosity