> Best weapon for school?

Best weapon for school?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
A weapon means nothing if you don't know how to use it, unless it is a lethal weapon that will land you in jail.

I've seen a guy with a pair of brass knuckles get beat up by an unarmed guy. Online, there are countless videos of people getting jumped, but a couple where the guy getting jumped beats all of them up.

That being said, Shaeeck beat me to it. Best weapon is your mind.

Think about it. 3 guys come up to you. Unarmed. Say you were skilled enough to beat all of them up. You should only fight if you have no other choice. Because lets say you fight. You are unharmed. You beat all of them up. Their older brothers or cousins are gang members. That day, one of their friends follows you home. The next day, their cousins/brothers could shoot at you. Your life could be in danger. Or, there is always a bigger friend of there's who might be able to beat you up. But lets say you beat the guys up (even though the idea of disarming a gun is stupid, unless the guy is within 5 feet of you) and you shoot them. Well, assuming there was no such thing as jail, all fighting gets you is more fighting. Your best weapon is your brain and how to avoid the situation entirely. Sounds like you live in a rough neighborhood. If you can, move out. Otherwise, fly under the radar. Don't give anyone any reason to mess with you.

But more importantly, you should learn a martial art. The human body is the best weapon. Getting hit with knees has the impact of a car going 35 miles an hour. A punch from a boxer can generate 1000lbs of force. A kick can generate almost 2000. Elbows are lethal, and can easily knock out or kill someone. So learn martial arts. And use your brain to avoid trouble, and don't go looking for it.

This is my serious answer. It could save your life.

(edit): Here's my mentality: I wouldn't fight unless I had a good reason to seriously hurt or even kill the guy, because its highly likely one of those would happen. And reasons are not, say, because he called you fake on twitter. A reason is he is threatening the life of you or a loved one.

I hear you. I grew up a bad neighborhood also. Kids got stabbed in my school and they put in security doors, metal detectors and police in the building. Kids knew I was a competitive fighter and that only lead to people want to fight me from time to time. Your best bet is always avoidance. You know if you get caught up in something is most likely going to be multiple people and most likely one of them will have a weapon. Hopefully you have friends you can hang with to avoid getting caught alone. Fighting is your extreme last resort. I cannot stress this enough.

In the unfortunate event you get jumped or caught in a situation where your going to hurt. Your book bag is full of weapons. I book is hard as hell. If you really feel your life is threatened a pen or pencil is also a weapon.

Bust your *** and get out of your environment as soon as you can. Keep your head low suck up your ego and pride and stay out of trouble. Been there done that.

People that didn't grow in rough environments won't get it.

if you bring a real weapon to school and use it youll get locked up but it is better to judged by 12 then carried by 6 yam sayin? id suggest learning mma or muay thai. ive always felt that carrying a weapon attacks problems. id say if your attacked you can use a pencil as a knife or like a bent out paper clip or a big object to hit them with , hust improvise if your attacked dont carry it. besides i know yall gotta get searched sometimes

pretty much cosign el and thats true your gunna get dumb answers hear cause of of ppl hear grew up in the burbs

avoidance is good but its also true that if you mess up somebody in fair ones then you are more respected and will get less trouble inless you beat up the wrong guy and his cousins waiting for you the next day

A weapon in school? The pen is mightier than the sword.

What Liondancer said.

Use a super sharp pencil or the might pen!

Or, maybe a large, long, and sharp piece of glass, but be very careful and avoid suspicious looking people.

Yeah, I love how kids are growing up this generation.

The best weapon to have at school is your mind

Forget about weapons and love someone instead

I live in a pretty poor neighborhood, which is one of the few places in the state of New York that is partly controlled by gangs. It's definitely not the best place to live because one of my family member has already been mugged and I really don't want that to happen to me. Unfortunately it's not enough that I live in a poor neighborhood where you can't walk to a store a block away without getting mugged but I go to a High School where this year has had more fights than the past 13 years and it's only been half of the school year, but I'm worried if i bring a non lethal weapon to school I might get expelled or suspended and I already have enough problems with my mom to deal with some stupid know it all teacher to be yelling at me. I was wondering what is the best weapon to use in case of a fight at school that is hard to see in the security cameras and easy to hide. Please consider that I live in the state of NY and there are some stupid laws against many weapons.