If I'm going to be brutally honest the only exercise I do on my own is running. The rest I do with friends. I hate going to the gym and I can never get in a proper workout alone. So I bring a friend. Two people motivating each other is easier.
Run on a treadmill while watching TV. It'll distract you.
Do weight/bodyweight workouts while talking with friends, or listening to a podcast.
Spar a lot.
1. Watch a motivational video on YouTube
2.Get some hardcore music to workout to
3. Keep a motivating quote in your head whilst working out
Motivational video on youtube.
Rethink my goals and what I want to accomplish.
But as for me, music always pumps me up and gets me going.
Especially artists like
Silent Descent
Think about your commitment to Jesus Christ.
To get you through that tedius grueling workout you dont want to do?