> Best martial art for street fighting?

Best martial art for street fighting?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Although many people would say "depends on the instructor and how he teaches", its really just a half *** answer that only has some element of truth to it, some. Martial arts I do suggest for street is krav maga, silat, kali eskrima, and other fighting systems that is known in mma such as mixing boxing with bjj or muay thai and judo etc.

As for the kali eskrima part, some people find the use of weapons in a fight laughable, especially when your using an object that is not ideally a weapon or created for the use of any kind of fighting, such as a pencil, pen, sticks, any blunt object can be used to defend yourself with in a situation where you need to get out of.

I have seen a lot of great answers on the panel, and I agree with many of them. You are looking for a fighting/self defense system that "trims the fat" and gets you to the nitty gritty of being able to handle yourself during a violent confrontation. There are many systems that address your needs. You should consider Krav Maga, Jeet Kune Do Concepts, military combatives systems, Boxing, Muay Thai, MMA, or any combination of any of these systems I have mentioned. The vast majority of all schools teaching these systems don't fool around with bowing, kata, belts, or anything not related to real world violence.

It sounds like you want to be able to clean somebody's clock, choke them out, snap a limb, or buy yourself time to escape a violent situation. I have been in your shoes far too often in my own life.

Boxing, on the street most situations can be covered with a good really need is a good punch (and Threat & Awareness Evaluation, Target Hardening, Coopers Colour Codes, Verbal & Physical De-Escalation, and familiarise yourself with the Rituals of Violence).

Geoff Thompson, a well known self defence Instructor worked as bouncer for 10 years and he only ever used two techniques, one was a punch.

Unfortunately my friend if you want something effective you will have to go through live sparring (which means potential for black eyes and bruises).There is no other way to find out if your skills are up to par against a resisting opponent. rne02 also has a fine suggestion, Thompson knows his stuff.

Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, or Taekwondo.

Kenpo or Kajukenbo

Learn how to fight from the Aryan Brotherhood. They are highly skilled at fighting, and use black people as their punching bags for practice.

Find the right teacher, dont go looking at it from the style or system perspective a good teacher is what you should be looking at.

A combination of pepper spray and brass knuckles.

I would suggest krav maga

First let me say that I am not looking for a fight! I'm looking for a martial art that would very useful in say a street fight. Something more combative in nature. I just want to find a martial art that would allow me to defend myself in either a street fight or in self defense (say I'm getting kidnapped or whatever). I know most martial arts have some basis in fighting but many that I've come across focus more on the "spiritual" (?) aspect of it and tend to be less combative. I've tried karate and tai chi and didn't care for either. I didn't like the feel of karate and tai chi was a bit slow. I'd also like to get into shape. Any ideas? Please nothing too obscure.

I'm not sure about mma. Googled it and found pix of people with bloody noses ect. Pretty sure my work wouldn't like it if I came in with a broken nose and a busted lip. Is the sport actually that intense?