> Best martial art for small guy vs. larger one?

Best martial art for small guy vs. larger one?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I personally recommend finding a Krav Maga school closest to you to meet the goals you have presented here. As with any martial system you have to be sure to get an instructor that is serious about the real world effectiveness of the system and teaches it to meet that criteria. A s far as not getting hit in the face during sparring, the system most know for no punching to the face is competition Tae Kwon Do, although kicking to the face is not only acceptable but encouraged. If you never get hit in training it's not real quality training. You have to learn to take a hit to be able to fight through it if/when you need to.

Understand, martial arts is more about learning enough to not need to fight than it is about fighting. Only when given NO CHOICE does a martial artist choose violence.

Finding the right instructor is the key to effective training, you can go to KravMagaAlliance.com/affiliates if you think it is something you seriously want to get involved in.

@ another, Got something for you. It's real easy to insult someone on-line, and hide behind a closed profile. Strikes me as cowardly, and definitely not the behavior of someone who understands what a Martial Artist is. But you have a right to make a fool out of yourself if you want to, so keep talking.

Seriously Bogeyman you sit there and claim that we are all misunderstanding KM and that we all have based opinions on it but seriously, look at every question you answer it is about bragging about the ability of KM.. Maybe this is the reason WHY people hate the arrogance of KM.

I went through the same thing when the fanboys popularised BJJ and MMA and now it is getting a reputation as a fade art or ridiculed as inferior to traditionalist, even though its not. All you are doing is the exact same thing as the BJJ and MMA fan boys. Just making out KM is the be all and end all of martial arts and that arrogance is the reason why the KM is so disrespected. If they learned to live in harmony with other styles and show respect then perhaps KM may be taken more seriously.

krav maga makes this a focal point. check it out:

Women are, on average, smaller and less powerful than men. A woman's muscle is 30% weaker than a man of the same size. Comparing a 60kg, 165 cm (132ibs, 5? 5?) woman to a 90kg, 183cm man (198ibs, 6?.) is like comparing the same man to a man who weighs 230 kg (~500ibs) with the height of about 230 cm (~8ft).

Would you; a man of 90 kg, want to fight such a monster who can make a pretzel of you? Probably not! If you had to, then you should use tactics and techniques that we teach woman.

Why should a woman have to fight a 90kg man? She shouldn't unless she has no alternative.

Krav Maga has always been about teaching "David" to be able to go up against "Goliath". Since it became more of a complete system, a process that started in the mid 1980's, it also became about how to use techniques and tactics to avoid, prevent, deescalate confrontations and if inevitable to avoid, to do the best to win. Winning depends on who you are, what the situation is, where you are and what you need to achieve. So a desirable result sometimes may be to run away and sometimes to knock the aggressor down or to break the physical composure of the enemy.

Teaching women, alike men, began in the early days of the Israeli Military. In the 1970's specific lessons that dealt with matters such as hitchhiking were also integrated, after some female soldiers were attacked while hitchhiking. The civilian sector always tried to appeal to women, but without very much success. A few years ago we began focusing on rectifying this and geared more towards female teenagers and adults.

The first big step was creating instructors education that focuses on our specific curriculum and approach for women training. Unique websites and material are also being prepared these days.

In the Women Instructors course our instructors learn exactly how to teach women, taking into considerations the different related aspects of physical and mental, cultural and sociological, psychological and tactical needs, advantages and disadvantages.

We also focus on the most commonly related problems such as sexual harassment, stalking, domestic violence, sexual attacks and much more.

Many women wish to focus on fitness to gain better figure and weight loss. We consider this and integrate it together with the techniques, tactics and mental preparation of how to cope with violent confrontations and stress.

In 2014 we aim to place much more effort and emphasis on spreading KMG among women in the many countries we are active in.

Found it here: http://www.maxkravmaga.com/public/David-...

Sorry, but I'm not going to read all of that.

There are no martial arts designed or work better for certain body types. All martial arts are designed to adapt to your physique and body type.

All martial arts are good and effective. The only way to choose a good school is to look into the ones in your area and pick the one with the best instructor. Seek a good instructor, that's all that matters as long as you train right and enjoy it. Good luck.

Now go forth, and choose wisely.

Id say footballs spacial awareness would be better than average km for self defence then all you got to do is some boxing/kickboxing and some grappling under good teachers then pick up a self defense book and learn how not to walk alone in dark places away from people and you will be golden. I'm a big believer that in the west its usually better to train full contact sports with a self defense class or book then just self defence.

Shut the fck up, Boogeyman, nobody's impressed. VTFD.

Now, onto more pleasant things...far as the question goes, I will not tell you that any martial art can be useful, that is a fckin lie. What you want is something practical. Boxing and wrestling, bread and butter.

Trouble with you is, you're afraid to get hit, to get hurt. Gotta test your mettle, that's the only, ONLY way you're gonna learn anything. Put the time in on the mat or in the ring.

All I get from this article is that You don't know S**t about fighting. Here's a little secret. Most Guy's on the street don't have a style or any rules . They simply grab Your A** and start beating the begezus out of You. I started out with Karate and went on from there. Love the comment about not wanting to get hit in the face and not wanting to get Your nose broken. I will making a few copies and putting them up at the club. Can't stop laughing.

i think bjj is best for 1 small guy vs a bigger guy its the worst for multiple guys. dude calm down i dont know what they said but your gunna need to avoid getting kicked your body isnt what you think it is if you let me kick you in your body you will fall. i suggest you pick mma just because it will teach you bjj and errything else expect for some things like pressure points and weapon defense and offense

Judo certainly has lots of throws suited to smaller players.

buy a gun, and change your attitude.

Hi, I was wondering of going for martial arts since I loved it all my life and just recently had the guts to take proper moves towards this goal, but I want to choose the best for me and what I want.

I want to be able to take down bigger opponents.

If possible, multiple opponents.

And in general win fights if I can’t avoid one.

I don’t like grappling too much like wrestlers, my goal would be to knock him of his feet with good hits to the legs like in Muay Thai and use grips and lock his joints and cause pain and to immobilize him to surrender, in a way break his spirit.

If not possible, be able to dodge fists and hit some of my own to the best spots to knock him down or at least give me the chance to use moves like Steven Seagull, to knock him off and cause pain to the shoulder, arm, and other vulnerable spots, like pressure spots or joints to put him down and cause him to surrender.

I don’t want fancy moves or high kicks or jump kicks or HAIAAAAA kind of things.

Simple, effective, fast and crushing the fighting spirit of the opponent kind of moves, giving him the idea if this goes on he will be injured and sent to the hospital with broken bones and dislocated joints.

I am 23 years old, with many different sports in the background, including gymnastics, swimming, 10 kilometers running and weight lifting aka Power lifting.

My height is 170 cm, 5, 5 feet.

My weight is at times 65 to 70 kilos… 140 to 150 pounds, I am athletic with good strength, I bench press 180 pounds for 8 reps easy… my 2 reps top was 209 pounds; this is just an idea of my level.

My stamina is good, I am compact but I don’t have thick enough bones for boxing or kick boxing.

Plus I don’t like sparing since I don’t want to break my nose, I know I know, it would be hard to avoid in any martial arts, but I want to pick the one with less hitting the face.

My character is generally calm, I avoid confrontations with a lot of patients, but when I get pissed I get pissed and I want to tear **** up, and I don’t like to back off and I stand my ground.