> Best choice for sword fighting?

Best choice for sword fighting?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Neither would suit you as they are both steeped in tradition. Kendo tends to be more competitive with tournaments and uses Shinai.

You will have to be more specific with the term "sword fighting".

Kendo and all Japanese arts that ends with the suffix -DO were invented after 1850's when the samurai class was dissolved in Japan. These martial art are call bugeido and their purpose is not to learn practical forms of fighting, but to preserve the mental and physical discipline that were the hallmark of the samurai ethos in a time when swords and those forms of combat were considered things of the past. Think of western foil fencing with all the rule of initiative and restrictive legal target areas.

Kenjutsu is the sword training that preserved the actual technique of striking an adversary with a sword. You do not spar in kenjutsu in the way kendo does - there is no safe way to do it. For example, kendo's cuts or strikes are limited and restricted to only a few areas such as the wrist, chest, head because that is where the armor is the strongest in the safety equipment you wear doing practices. You would not do that on a real battlefield against an armored enemy.

Kenjutsu on the other hand would train to strike the vulnerable areas such as the back of the joints, eye and mouth slits, armpits and other such areas where the armor cannot be protected by armor or the armor cannot be thick else the wearer would not be able to bend those joints, eye, or breath. There are kata and limited forms of two man drills, but because the techniques used are deadly no contact is made - no one actually receives a blow to their person except by accident.

If you are looking for "real" sword fighting, forget it. The days of sword fighting are long gone. The only thing left these days are training for sports and competition.

I would like to practice some sort of sword fighting and through a bit of reseach, I have decided that the best candidates are kendo and kenjutsu.

My problem is that I can't quite tell the difference.

I know do=way and jutsu=technique but I assume that they have evolved since invention especially after being transfered to the western world where i will be practicing one of them(Denmark). My question is:

If i want a practice which is not all grounded in kata but also in sparring and id like it to be practical (with this i mean that I prefer fx. MMA to taekwondo) which should I choose and why?

Thanks for your time